Want to be a developer for my game

Here a image of someone opening a attic because my drawing was bad
Also the entrance to level 232 I show was supposed to be a hole in the attic

Okay. Do you want it to be more of an open maze like level 0? Or do you want the attic to stay limited to the same width as a normal attic that just keeps going on and twists left or right so the maze paths are closed off from each other? More like a hedgemaze, i think?

Also how big are you wanting it to be? How long are you expecting the player to take to get through the level if they are not stopping to explore?

Level 19 should be like a normal attic and will take half a hour for the player to find the exit

Got it. Is there going to be a lot of different activities and game mechanics in the level or is just solely trying to escape the maze or being chased by a creature?

I might add a entity to the level but Iā€™m not sure which entity

Can I see how level 19 is going?

I have this weekend slated to work on it and I will post updates

Some progress pics

Looks good! Would you like another image of level 19 for reference? Also what entity would you like to see in level 19?

Iā€™ve been using the one you sent and some google images of attics. I still need to add the insulation and some details. I was going to do a few different attic shapes and mix them into the final maze level, but if you had a specific idea in mind just let me know. With this one, I went with the square walls and the higher rafters to give the player more room to move and more space for the attic clutter. I wonā€™t add the clutter in so you can move it around, but Iā€™ll have some lights hanging from the rafters or maybe add some lamps.

I hadnā€™t thought of any entities that you could include there. The different backroom forums have different opinions on which creatures are there or if there are any at all. Unless the creatures are above 1.7m they should be able to fit through the attic space Iā€™m modeling. If you have someone modeling the creature, just let them know about the height max.

Also, what game engine are you using? I planned on testing the model as an environment before I sent it to you to make sure there are no issues with the modeling in-game. I have unreal and godot, but I can test it in Unity too

I using unreal engine 5 for my game. At the moment level 94 being made I havenā€™t got any of the houses yet. In Level 19 you can find a crack that glows orange also there a lot of boxes and holiday decorations

Will the player be on the top or the bottom of your level 19 model?

Hey how the progress of level 19 going?

Honestly doing the insulation is super time consuming and I think Iā€™m going to have to do it again so it runs smoothly in the game

Here a better image of level 19

I think thats the same one you first shared with me. Do you want the attic to be more triangular shaped? I had it a little more rectangular shape to allow more player movement/interaction

Yeah just a little more triangular could you also add holiday directions or old stuff you put in a attic just to give it more of a nostalgia feeling

You mentioned you had a Discord set up for this project- it would be best if the continued development discussion moved to that Discord, the minutiae of this project isnā€™t relevant to a large public forum. This #jobs:volunteer-work section is for finding people to do a job, the communication within that job should be done elsewhere. Please move to Discord, private message, email, or some other form of communication for this.

Iā€™m going to close this thread now, as youā€™ve already provided contact information. If any of you need to speak with each other and havenā€™t shared contact information, you can click on a username and then click the Message button to reach out to them

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