Want to change your username?

Delete this post please. Just decided not to change username :wink:

All above have been changed as requested. Sorry for the delay.Looks like I am the only one that does this and I still need a poke from Fligh to get it done. :smiley:

GE-FORCE: Someone else is using oxygen. Anything else you want to use?


Hello, can I change my name into BgDM, please?

Thanks in advance




If you have the time BgDM, then maybe you could turn Gwentiv into Gwenouille, which is the name i use ob most forums…

If not, well, nevermind !

Hay, I put a t not a y so… could get rid of the _ too if it doesn’t put u out at all, thanks :smiley:

no,thanks nothing else GE-force is good too

Wanna` change my name to Numarul7


This is actually my first post because I’m still learning from all the extremely talented artists here. Meaning I still suck at Blender and I fear to post my sub standard clumps of geometry.However I’ve always been displeased with the user name I have selected for these forums. So to the mighty powers that be please change my name to. PSALM51


If you could change my name to gulls03hockey I would greatly appreciate it.

nexonguru please

please change it to Vasil, thank you :smiley:

Could I have Farthioner please?:eyebrowlift:

If you could change my name to mallow I would really appreciate it.

edit: thanks :slight_smile:

oh…whew! I amost fainted, I couldnt log on! lol. thnx!

Thank you very much BgdM !
much appreciated !

hmm… not sure, should i change mine from Felix_Kütt to Felix_Kytt…? :confused: maybe some people’s machines(/os’s installed lang. packs don’t include) the letter: ü

I like the ü,
y is just so plain and common… ü is unique and nice looking :smiley:

oh, well… guess ill leave it then… :slight_smile:

Could you change my name to MushroomDude?
