I want a girl(at the center of the image) to be emphisized and look more dangerous.
Tips about rain effect also needed.
Other than that, any critiques are welcomed. Thanks!
The raindrops help to separate the blade from the background. As for the girl, can you move her closer so she’s more apparent. I didn’t even notice her until you pointed her out.
Very first impression: It took me, I think, two seconds to figure out that was a knife. Nothing wrong with the model, but maybe its because the knife is straight towards the camera, and looks big. ( I don’t know what knk is , so I could miss a point ).
What if you play with the angle of the knife, and see if there is a way to make an impression that the knife has to right proportions in the scene. And maybe you could give some movement / action to the knife. Indeed, I didn’t see the girl.
Then the lights ( poles) : Aren’t there to many? ( high population ) . I mean on a road there are not that much I think. The lights itself, they look a bit small to me.
The wet road looks fantastic. I don’t know much about rain. Maybe they look quite white/light to me. ( reduce glossy?).
I love the retouched version. The only thing I notice when I look at it, is that the hilt’s texturing seems to look off from the scene. I don’t know why, it just seems to be off to me. Otherwise to me it’s absolutely gorgeous.
I think you should cut out half the lights and decrease the depth of field. I wouldn’t have noticed there was a girl in the second picture reflected in the knife if it hadn’t been pointed out, so you should probably make her a bit more prominent.
If you brought the girl closer, perhaps just framing the head, and also throw the vignette in since this is a dark scene and you want center focus, add a drip or two to the outer edges slightly like a drip vignette and I think this image would be catchy. Some depth of field wouldn’t hurt either.
You probably don’t want to change the focal length because it will alter the angle of view and perspective of the image. Using a longer focal length will enable a shallower depth of field, but need the focal length to be appropriate for the composition. You want to adjust the depth of field using the Aperture settings. Set aperture setting to F/stop and use as lower number to the throw the background out of focus. Pardon the quality of my example, but I think this is useful.
Both were using the aperture setting at F/stop 2.8, so you can see that using the longer length gives you a shallower depth of field, but it completely changes the feeling of the composition.
You are right about it changing the composition, but it would allow the girl’s reflection to get bigger, without losing the feeling of her being at a distance.
It was just a thought, though my first impression was that the girl is too small for being the focus of the image. Only changing the depth of field won’t change this.
But you may be right, it might destroy the composition.