Want visible but non-selectable bone

Hey, I’ve only just noticed that in the outliner, bones don’t seem to get the “mouse cursor” option (e.g. Restrict / Allow selection in the 3D view).

All of my visible bones are shaped and some of them are merely frames for a controller which I do not want to be selectable. Where can I make them non-selectable?

Was just playing around a bit with the outliner, and while you cannot control the selection of single bones, you can control the selection of a rig as a whole. Could you possibly separate the bones that you don’t want selected into a 2nd rig?


Instead of using the widget display, and needing to make the bones unselectable, why don’t you just put all the ‘frame’ elements into a mesh object, and make it unselectable that way? And if you want the frames to follow along with a bone, just weight them to the armature :slight_smile:

I did this for the face UI on my T-Rex if you need a reference…

Yes, similar controls to your T-Rex feelgoodcomics. I can use unrenderable mesh pieces for the button slide surrounds, although it’s less flexible in terms of the ability to toggle individual slider mobility off and on (might want to swap them around, resize them etc) as generally the slider bone is parented to its frame. Be nice if they enabled selectability toggle for individual bones.

Be nice if they enabled selectability toggle for individual bones.
If it makes you feel any better they have in 2.5 :slight_smile:

Yes, this function has been added in 2.5, which means it was not in 2.4x. Sorry.

I can live with that… excellent. Previous 2.5 was not one to use imo but, except for relearning a few things, alpha2 is almost a reason enough to move on.

This is in 2.5? Where, where?

I posted a request for this somewhere before 2.5 took off but thought nothing came of it.

bunny… it’s in the outliner. Near most items you’ll see listed, to the right, there is an eye and an arrow. Toggling the arrow means that item can’t be selected by mouse clicking on it in 3D view. In 2.5 this now happens with individual armature bones.

Aha! Thanks, Lancer!

Yep. 2.5 is getting there. The only time I drop into 2.49 these days is to import or export an OBJ (still doesn’t work reliably in 2.5) or to run a script that I can’t run in 2.5 (ie transfer sculpt as shapekey).

I love 2.5. I wasn’t a big user of 2.49, so the new UI doesn’t throw me. And being able to set up the keys and mouse so they work like Silo’s is a godsend!