HOLY…!! This has gotta be one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. Steven Speildberg does it again! I’m still stunned and imagining that there are huge alien ships laying in ruins outside. Anyone else see this???


not yet dude…it would have been next on my list of must see films if it were not for a little film called “Kung Fu hustle”

but after that Im all over it :wink:

It’s 2nd on my list of must see movies :stuck_out_tongue: it’s right after Batman (which I heard is the best batman movie after the original)


I’m waiting for Batman and Sin City. I’m more into alternative special effects just now rather than the traditional gigantic spaceship thing. Star Wars 3 didn’t impress me that much.

I was blown away by the films Hero and House of Flying Daggers. Superbly choreographed - the scenes with the flower petals were just beautiful. Ok I’m sounding a little fruity so I’ll stop there ;).

I’ll probably still check out War of the Worlds but it’s not a priority.

Haven’t seen it yet. However I was frustrated by their website. Pictures are all the same. Let’s see : A picture of Tom Cruise… another one… yet another one… and … wait … this on is from the little girl playing in the movie with Tom Cruise… ha! but Tom Cruise was probably hiding in the back :wink: .
I thought this egocentric maniac was a bit too present in the presentation of the movie on the website. I wanted to see aliens, explosions, FX!
Not Cruise! :-?

Well, I will see the movie anyway. I like apocalyptic movies.



Yeah i would have to see it was the best use of CG ive seen in a movie for once a high budget director didn’t completely overdo all the CG material. And when those tripods first appeared i was scared as hell the way they that sequence, great movie.

I was expecting this movie to be solidly mediocre. It turned out to be visually STUNNING. They got some absolutly amazing shots. I can’t even begin to image how they dreamed some of that stuff up.

damn good movie. worth going to see for sure.

Yes!, war of the worlds was amazing

the story was great, and the visual effects were as well
also it was scary

Want to see it. All my friends are always busy and I feel like asn idiot going alone.

not yet dude…it would have been next on my list of must see films if it were not for a little film called “Kung Fu hustle”

Saw it. Totally awesome. You find yourself not knowing wether to laugh or be awed.

It’s 2nd on my list of must see movies it’s right after Batman (which I heard is the best batman movie after the original)

It was, but anything would have been. Luckily, they’ve already signed the makers o this to make a sequel to the prequel of the quadrilogy of the original.

I was blown away by the films Hero and House of Flying Daggers. Superbly choreographed - the scenes with the flower petals were just beautiful. Ok I’m sounding a little fruity so I’ll stop there

Glad to hear I’m not the only one in love with those films. It’s amazing how these original storylines can be combined with heart, artistic cinematics and mindblowing combat. My favorite part of Hero is the music. A lone cello backed by traditional drums. Chilling.

I haven’t seen WOTW yet, but I have read the book a number of times… and if you haven’t done so, I recommend it despite the Victorian language. (There’s a definite allegorical sub-text to what he is saying, which seems rather apropos in today’s times…)

I sincerely wish I had saved the five bucks I paid to see Star Wars III.

I’m very glad I paid it for Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

I saw it last night with some friends.

I wasn’t overly impressed with the acting, and some of the writing was pretty bland, but I must say that it had the best visual effects of any movie I have ever seen. It was incredible.

I’d say it’s definitely worth the admission price just for the visual effects alone.

Yes, visual effects in WOTW were amazing. I wasn’t overly impressed with the story telling, although I LOVED how the opening and closing sequences came together. I found it odd that Ray was the only from New York to Boston that figured out to change the solenoid of his van :S

Kung Fu hustle is an amazing movie. It just feels so fresh. Same with Hero. I really liked those two. Incredible cinematography. I love how vivid the colors are in Hero. Its a work of art.

Batman wasn’t too bad, good no-brainer relaxing action. The “tumbler” totally rocks.

Informal vote: Which has better FX, WoTW, LoTR or SW2&3?

I’ve not seen either of the first two (er, four) and I’m just curious how they rank on the visual scale-o-rama.

King Kong promises to be pretty good eyecandy too (I was not impressed by SW3, just FYI).

Lord of the Rings had a lot of special effects, I’ll give it that. Star Wars was fantastic at times, but less than convincing at others. But in terms of realism, I would have to say that War of the Worlds kicked all their arses.

Sorry to be negative. But WOTW was boring. The main charater was a Sap, and his kids brats.

When you tell stories, it should be about real heros. Not complete Drips.

I was hoping for a Minorty Report movie… Instead all i got was Lots of Curise face close ups and very little interesting action… manly cus the main dude tryies really hard to do nothing.


ps i vote LOTR hands down… But then i live in NZ --so its a little biased

I hated Hero, The picture was so refreshing but the lines blowed. I only wanted one of the LotR ad didn’t bother with the rest…I have no intrest in SW. Hopefully WOWT will give me peace…

Awesome movie. I definitely think it’s a plus if you read the book beforehand though, especially to understand all the intricacies of the aliens and the story. Why does a movie have to have heros though? In his own way, Ray was a hero for saving his kids; it’s not necessary to have a superman. Besides, the story is more about the human condition under duress rather than the characters in and of themselves.

EDIT: Does anyone know what Ray was referring to when he mentioned the birds to the soldier at the end? I didn’t catch that part.

LOL yah… go for it… Kung Fu Hustle is the funniest thing I’ve seen in ages!!!

Someone mentioned Sin City… must see as well.

And if anyone hasn’t seen it yet… get your hands on Old Boy, one of the very best movies ever, korean and completely insane.

I’m definitely going to see War of the worlds… hearing good things all round though cast/crew makes me wary.

Saw Batman Begins yesterday - a very good film. They really captured a dark, foreboding atmosphere very well. Also it had some interesting thoughts about fear etc. It’s fuuny at times, as well. GO SEE IT! I highly recommend it!

Hopefully I’ll see WOTW soon (ah no, so much money disappearing from my wallet!)

ray was telling the soldier that the shields of the tripods were down and the reason he could tell was because the birds could get through and land on the tripod. Before, when the shield was up, nothing could get through.
