War scene

Used my t-26 tank model plus a quick messershmitt Me110 bomber model to create this scene.

T-26 WIP-

Still workinging on the sky and lighting any crits?
Also learning nodes to blur the propellers and and some more ‘atmosphere’ to the image


the tank is awesome, i would detail the plane at least a little bit more though. also, i would consider turning the reflection down on the tread/rivet material so it doesn’t look like it just rolled out of the factory.

Maybe sync the propellers. (did I mispell that :eek: )

the propellers look like they are floating apart from each other.

Heres an update>>
I rendered with a white background then edited in a sky with photoshop.
Also scaled down the plane and copied to focus the scene more on the tank

edit: sorry kind of a rushed update
Modron: added a texture to the tracks to reduce the ‘clean’ look
Scooter: i dont realy know what you meen but im just going to blur the propellers in photoshop makes life easier :smiley:
Me546: lol i know it was just a quick model because its viewed from a distance


the propelers look like they aren’t moving, they should be blurred

Hows this ive blured the propelors and added a title


Just what I had in mind also ^_^.
Very nice modeling work and nice sence.
Hope you did not mind but I edited your image just for fun tell me what you think :

Hope to see more of the sence when its done 100% :wink:


That’s a good model and I like the scene.

Are the bolts supposed to be so “white”? Are they bare metal? For me, they are very distracting and make the tank look less realistic. Even if they are supposed to be bare metal I would at least make them darker or less reflective. Just for the sake of composition, you know?

Looks good though. I was following the WIP thread but I never posted.

Death: thanks and i dont mind at all as long as i can use some of your ideas :smiley:
A Roldan: Your right about the bolts i may make them dark green, it was originally so you could see them against the rest of the model so il change them in the next update

At the moment im not sure were to go with this scene , ive tried a couple of test animations with the planes flying over il try and get them rendered proply and put them on.

:slight_smile: Yep you can use my idea’s if you want as long as it help you also :stuck_out_tongue:
You can try to add that neat effect that I made on your image in the render would look very nice well thats why I added that in :smiley:


How did you do that? Increase brightness, add motion blur and reduce opacity?

Well It’s a small little software I made long ago on my spare time it was suppose to be a School Project and I got a B on it :smiley:
I still use it once in a while I was going to give out the source but I decided not to :stuck_out_tongue:

I can uplaod it later if you want but it wont be the source file. :rolleyes: