
Still making some improvements on textures and models.
Gonna add some props soon, so it wont look so empty.
Rendered with Cycles, no pos-processing.

Very nice. Maybe try adding some volumetrics, and maybe some dust particles.

I like the frame at the ceiling (especially the joint with those two bolts) and the casted shadow on the ground, which reminds me of an old warehouse, directly.

There seem to be some texture issues at the edges of the posts. Moreover the refraction at the pipe which is close to the camera is weird, since it looks like not being subdivided.

i’m loving it - even empty. lots of possibilities. good job!

this looks very real … keep it up :slight_smile:

do you have a reference or did you make it up? I’m asking because of the concrete-steel beam combination…

OK, good idea, will do!

Yeah, thoses pillars were not properly unwrapped and also the pipes… yeah… not that smooth :stuck_out_tongue: But I fixed it and in the next render you will see the HUGE difference in textures.

Thanks, Wolfred. I want to make it really nicelly so I can put a camera on it and take a walk… will need a render farm :confused:

Thank you, SumoLondo!

Yeah, I did used a reference… here: http://www.hdri-locations.com/hdrilocations/0142/hdri0142_wide_08_70mm.jpg
You can see there are some differences but… the idea is there!