Was Easy in 2.79 Blender Internal - Distressed Wood

(Currently: Blender 2.93.6 Eevee… )

Back in 2.79… I made this, wood with Material with Image Texture.

The one on the right has these image texture settings (the one on the left is identical EXCEPT for Displace)


Can’t seem to get it to work in Eevee. Dang.

Ideas ? Thanks.

Eevee does not support displacement.

However, this popped up recently.

ps, why are you plugging color into normal?, it wants to go into height. (for Cycles)

Displace in BI is the equivalent of bump now. But the algorithm is different, the settings aren’t exactly the same.

This is what you want to try :

Bump doesnt change outline of the model. The only way to get true displacement in Eevee is to use Displace modifier with the same texture and UV coordinates as in the shader

Because I don’t know what I’m doing… hence, the question :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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FYI, in your Displacement node setup, your wood texture should go into Height (the best option will be to paint special grayscale map for that). Normal controls the direction of the displacement, in case you need it to be different than the existing normals of the object. Of course, it will only work in Cycles, not Eevee

You should be able to replicate the same effect using the displacement modifier. You just need to give the modifier you image texture and adjust the settings a bit (and don’t forget to set the modifier’s coordinates to UV).