Watch the animation and get your free Raptor

Hello again, Now when the animation is complete. I’ve promissed to share the raptor, so here he is. You are free to use him as you like, but please credit me for the raptor if you use him, that’s all.:smiley:

The animation is made to promote a new goalymask called Raptor on

Hope you’ll like it.

Here is the final version of the animation:

Bump* I saw that the raptorlink didn’t work. Here’s a new one that should work. Enjoy!

Not a singel reply in 4 days … say anything… bad/good ?:(:stuck_out_tongue:

Looks nice… dunno why you havent had any replies. :open_mouth: I think the egg is very well done and where its born is the best part (I think)… A crit would be that I think the floor should look a little more wet… So we would no why i was “dlaoting” araound :slight_smile: But good animation, and thanks for the blend :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you lasphere :). He’s sliding around on the ice :stuck_out_tongue: maybe not so obvious, but that’s what he’s doing. Glad you liked the raptor blend.


Nice model, but the textures aren’t included. Could you please post the Blender file (compressed) with the textures?

Oh thank you for noticing :slight_smile: here’s a new one,, zipped and checked so that the textures are packed with them.

Focus, any chance of putting it on YouTube or in a different format? I hate putting quicktime on my pc, and that’s the only thing that reads .mov files as far as I know :confused:

Thanks for sharing the .blend as promised…

i guess a more naturally moving tail and smoothing out the anim would make it better, but also now it’s better than what you can noramally find around here.:slight_smile:

also the raptor looks too much waxy - too big settings for sss? , otherwise the lightning could give it more depth. try to use AO?(guess there’s no rendering time for that :))

Just today this came up on my new posts list, and I know I was on yesterday. Wierd new posting process. So it isn’t you or your work - I think this is great!

Of course there is always more you could do - he could don the mask, guard a goal, discover a puck as a child and play hockey with it using his tail, and grow up and use the mask.

I like the skating effect of the raptor sliding on the floor, really cool. I agree with PapaSmurf on the mask - maybe you could have had the raptor find it and put it on, or maybe you could have used shapekeys to make it “grow” from part of the dino shell, and he could scoop it onto his head. Good work!!

Media player classic which comes with K-lite codec pack can play them. Thanks foCus.

Also VLC Media Player plays them.

Here’s a quick composite I did.


Cool man :smiley:

Footwork was a bit dodgy focus, i saw that it was slippy and on ice as it would be, but when it stopped moving it looked like it hadn’t planted its feet properly. Also the momentum in its movement was too cartoony for my liking.

On the plus side the modelling and textuing are great, im wondering what i can do with it now ;).

wow the model is ridiculusly good, love it. :slight_smile:

Great job, thanks for the cool model!

um… I know it’s a Quick Composite but um… raptors usualy are about 1 meter tall… so it’s not reaaallllyy correct, nevertheless, great model!