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Superb! I loved it.
The pull out is intense and the movement of the buildings is a remarkable effect.

Brilliant storytelling.

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Ohh another advert… Wait… :exclamation: … :scream: …


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Very nice video and fascinating brutalist architecture.

WOW what a dark turn that took! :grimacing: :sweat_smile: Super awesome!!

You need to change the thumbnail for this - but I have no idea what the alternative thumbnail should be. The current thumbnail didn’t make me click to get here. Maybe you should lean into the “slick new packaging” of the WatchPod I’m about to buy? New technology is always so exciting and wonderful, what could possibly go wrong? Maybe a thumbnail of the shiny bright new product somehow casting a shadow of something bad/evil/sinister/disturbing…?

Great work. Great motion graphics. Great story telling. Great Music. Great roller-coaster-ride for the viewer.

Thanks for sharing this. :smiley:


Thanks. I guess I just spent so much more time developing the second part, that I feel like the first part is lacking a bit and I’m personally happier with how the second part turned out.


Thanks, I’m glad to hear it has the desired effect :smile:

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

Outstanding work! Loved it!

absolutly glorious, can you recommend any tutorial on designing/programmig/keying motion like that? i rarly animate so its one of my weaknesses

Amazing! I love the camera movement and the switch between dark and colorful, very nice work!

Not really i’m afraid. I learned mostly by doing and studying other people’s work to some extent. In terms of the design process, one thing that comes to mind is this this talk by Tim Bolland or breakdowns like this one, that are quite interesting.

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