Pretty self-explanatory. A simple water drop image. Water sim done in blender, rendered in Octane. Would love to know what you think.
Pretty self-explanatory. A simple water drop image. Water sim done in blender, rendered in Octane. Would love to know what you think.
I love it!
pretty realisteic, except for the water edge, where the ripple is going into the water a little, it seems that edge needs to be smoothed out, because I can see some obstructions
I feel as though water would tend to favor more symmetrical shapes. Nice color happening here tho.
no, symmetrical shapes are not the way to go, the shapes are correct, but the edge around where the final ripple is what makes it a little off, if you look, you can see that after that ripple the ripples dont get any smaller, they just end…which means its basically plastic thats been melted
Fair enough… I think that may be the fault of the fluid sim, or my lack of knowledge in the fluid sim area. I’ll see if I can fix it though.
There is nothing wrong with that water drop. Tell evil moon its not a lake its a water drop.