Water Man Help Wanted


I am new to blender and only know the basics. I wanted to know if it would be possible to turn a man from MakeHuman into water and then deform and splash to the floor. I am sorry if this is really simple and everything but I have only been using blender for about a week now.


Cameron :smiley:

ā€œturn a man from MakeHuman into water and then deform and splash to the floor. I am sorry if this is really simpleā€
Is this a joke?
Me, I wouldnā€™t even know how to start?

Ohā€¦ it dosent have to be a person, just an object turn to water

sorry but never seen this in blender yet !

but water has to do with fluid sim so search videotube or other site
for this and may be you 'll see one like that

and let use know if you find one it might interesting to see how to!

good luck

I found this video. Its exactly what Iā€™m looking for. I hope it helps!:o


It is possible, it is very simple using the fluid sim. google it and you should find some good information about it. basically you set your object to be a fluid, and use the volume for the fluid, then, you make the ground an obstacle, and make an invisible box to be the domain of the fluid sim.you can always make the ground an outflow if you want the water to dissappear as it hits the ground. The box you are using for your domain will have the settings for the simulation under the fluid control panel.

Just do a lot of experimenting, good luck!


Yeah, this can be done in 2.49 for sure. You need to make your human mesh into a control object for the fluid simulation. Set your human mesh to not render and all you will get is the fluid in the shape of your mesh.

I am attaching a file that shows the fluid starting out as text, then falling down into the bottom of the domain. Open the file and bake the fluid simulation.


fluid_text.blend (157 KB)

OK, thanks. I will upload the finished product!

i have been looking around but I canā€™t seem to work out how to do it. The water ends over to one side:


Make sure all your fluids, obstacles and domain have a scale of 1 (Ctrl+A/1).
Make sure the world size setting is realistic, the simulation time is realistic and watch plenty of fluid tutorials.


thanks but the world setting didnā€™t do anything. Its still the same. I really need help!

Thereā€™s nobody here that can just look at your pic and ā€œhelp youā€. Itā€™s not like thereā€™s only two buttons to press - I would say it took me at least a month of fiddling with fluids before I understood what half the buttons and value-fields did and how to use them. You have two choices a) upload a .blend file and cross your fingers that someone good enough is bored enough to help you or b) search and find tutorials that tell you whatā€™s going on so when youā€™re done you understand how it works because you did it yourself.


Post your blend here or somewhere else for help. Youā€™ll get a solution so much quicker.


Sorry, this just proves how bad I am!! :o Here is the blend file. I hope someone is as bored as me!!:


When I open the file an bake I donā€™t see the effect you show. You also need to vastly increase the resolution and set the Disp-qual to Final / Final so you can see the final effect in the 3d view. Your real world size is set to 30cm so unless this is a midget you may want to increase it.

Resolution set to 150
simulation time 1 sec
realworld size 3m
[mfhs]LiquidMan1.blend (549 KB)


Thank you soo much but it still dosnt work! I still cant get the video you got! Sorry!

nice simulation with fuild

did not think it was possible with blender !

did you test this in 2.5?

not certain but i think 2.5 is supposed to have some improvement for fuild simul
but may be not included yet !


Thanks for helping



I am still getting this:


I donā€™t know why but I am still not getting what you got. What version of blender are you using because Iā€™ve tried blender 2.5 and it dosent work either. Would you be able to download the file you sent to me and see if it works?


tried on 2.5 but cannot even see where all the variables are located ?

have you seen all theses and where ?
