Wave hitting a rock using ocean modifier


I’ve been trying to recreate this scene

in this video: (10) White Caviar Essence Extraordinaire - YouTube starting at 0:54

In this scene, water hits some rocky thing and makes a small wave, it isn’t long so its exactly what I need.

I made my scene like this:

I’m using an ocean modifier on a plane because I used it in some previous scenes and it looks really great, but I really don’t know how to make this ocean actually like a fluid so that it can interact with my rock and hit it and make a small wave like in the video I attached.

Any help would be appreciated,
Thanks :slight_smile:

I guess you need to use another object for the water hitting your rock, a fluid domain that you’ll put where your rock is, and all around you’ll keep your ocean

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Thank you so much! I didn’t really think in that way and I tried your method and it gave me amazing results! :smiley:

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