Wayward Art Co "Mask Tools" add-on page?

I bought the Wayward Art Co Addon “Mask Tools”. I searched Google, here, Discord for a forum on the tool with no luck. I’ve emailed and, posted a request to the author " Michael McCann" for a link to any support forum with no reply, yet.

Does anyone knows of a forum for Wayward Art Co Addon “Mask Tools”? thanks

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I have purchased the addon myself a few years back and the only information I have found is the videos that he has put out on YouTube

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Thanks, a Shame he has gone radio silent. If this post showed more fed back I’d start a Discord or something.

I purchased it on the blender market as well. I did have a question for him there and he got back to me but it may have been a day. I don’t know of a forum for it.

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Yeah, it’s been 2 days with no response from his Youtube, BlenderMarket, and Twitter. I didn’t follow my golden rule on buying software. Check out the support before you buy.

Sorry to hear that. I use it for basic weathering effect on arch-viz materials so I haven’t tried anything remotely complex like the shield example in the newest tutorial I remember he posted.

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