WC148: The Big Red Button - 3Dview added page2

As you can see, the scene is incredible simple.


But hey, if it works, I’m happy. :wink:

Next time I’ll put more effort in the skin and perhaps the eyes.

Thanks for showing something achievable too! :smiley: Yafray is too great!

haha, good work. I agree with the points made about the skin and eyes, but nontheless it’s a very good scene. The setup as you showed could be mine, simple but efficient. What I also like, is the secret behind the button. We still don’t know what will happen if you press the button. This is IMO better than showing the action after you pressed the button.

cio, BackiZ

perfect :smiley: very funny
you can almost feel the temptation to press the button - I also like the expression on the characters face

  • very well done!

Everyone else seems to think the materials turned out perfect.
While I really like this piece, I can’t help but feel that the porousness of the fingers (which shouldn’t really be porous like the face is anyway) kind of seems out of place.

But great job. Love the facial expression especially.