WC148: The Big Red Button - 3Dview added page2

Hi all,

long time since I did a Weekend Challenge.
The theme was: …and what happens if I press this button?

The Big Red Button
“I just can’t… help… myself!”

Rendered with Yafray

It was a quicky: blendered on friday, rendered on saturday (and a little on sunday, but I didn’t stay up to watch that :slight_smile: ). The rendering took about 18 -20 hours. I really gotta stop using those high settings on… well… everything.

Not my best piece, but a’right overall I think.

C&C still welcome,


That is so awesome!! Is the background a picture or modelled?

Like I said, its fabulous! :smiley:

Nice style, dof and expression!


Well, the fingernails look polished. :wink:

:o Ha ha, excellent, I love it.

The bump maps look excellent. The hat looks especially good.

Is DOF post-pro or yafray?

Well Done :stuck_out_tongue:

The background is a pic (from internet), placed on a plane behind the scene.

Yafray. One of the reasons it took so fricking long to render :wink:

Ive pushed the button…it says “please dont push this button again” :wink:

I think that is excellent!! I love the expression! lol

LOL! That’s so funny and awsome. Expression on his face is fun to look at.

Whoops, I pushed the button. (what happes now?)


haha very nice…imo the DOF is one of the things that really brings it out. i also love the textures, it has a great feel to it

holy cow, that’s a big render! great lighting and dof!

Wow! Cool Idea, good Realization! The Char looks funny too, so i would give you 10/10 point! :stuck_out_tongue:

nice pic,the skin material could have been better,but the overall image and idea is very well done.

… hmmm… I have no idea what a char is…

… but thanx :smiley:

Wow! A background image fitting this great in is… amazing!! Great modeling, great texturing, great lighting! :o Did DOF blur the background image as well, or was it blurred in another program!?

Excruciating render time, but well worth it.

Yafray is something I must make more time for at some point, although the internal renderer is so amazingly capable under the right circumstances.

In fact, I think this kind of render quality can be approximated (maybe even matched, but at least rendered faster) with Blender internal given the proper lighting setup, some AO, possibly using radiosity (or instead, for example, a layer-only red light under hand/finger in another layer) and using zblur plugin for DOF.

The materials you used are pretty near perfect for this type of character and style. They get the job done and do it very well!

Excellent work Sago! Looks like a winner :wink:


haha so funny
everything works and fits perfect

This came out perfect! Great render and the lighting is spot on.


The eye’s don’t color match the rest of the scene, and don’t have any depth. The eyelids seem a bit strange as well.

Otherwise this scene is lit, modeled and textured perfectly. Well done. Techincally is awesome, and emotion and artistic sides are just as good.

In fact, I think this kind of render quality can be approximated (maybe even matched, but at least rendered faster) with Blender internal given the proper lighting setup, some AO, possibly using radiosity (or instead, for example, a layer-only red light under hand/finger in another layer) and using zblur plugin for DOF.

I’d be most interested in seeing Sago re-render this with the internal renderer and see how close in quality he could get it.

Very, very well done.

Very cool interpretation of the topic.

Top work,


Like I said, the background-image was placed on a plane behind the scene. That plain was treated (DOF, lightning) just like the rest in Blender.

I think you reaaally don’t wanna see that! :smiley: It looks quite horrible.
I’m just very lazy, and let yafray do all the work. 2 lamps and a nice worldcolour do the trick. Now I can just concentrate on the rest.

Yesterday I rerendered the image a little smaller (1100 x 880 instead of 1280 x 1024) and with a few lower settings (GI-quality, AA, shadowsamples). There were differences in quality, but most of them were neglectible. It took 1 hour and 36 minutes (instead of 18-20 hours!).

So it’s all about finding the right balans in the settings.
