WC155: A small loss - dedicated to Billy ''Bass Wolf''

Hi all,

my small entry for WC 155, my most simple scene ever.
5 minutes of setting up the scene, about 2 hours fiddling and correcting.

Internal render (first time I didn’t use Yafray!!)
Rendertime 1 minute 55 sec. (8 samples for motionblur)
Fake DoF made with Zblur-plugin
Smoke done with Particles (also first time)
No lamps

A small loss

Made the scene yesterday, mainly because I looove Guitar Wolf, the most crazy and extreme loud Japanese punk rock band (even though they call it Rock ‘n’ Roll); Guitar Wolf live and love their music, beer and UFO (and that’s no joke).

Today I read Billy “Bass Wolf” died in his sleep not so long ago. Not a small loss…

Billy, you rocked my world.

Rock ‘n’ Roll

Great render. Pretty nice smoke too. Sorry about Billy.

I’m not particularly overwhelmed by the image - more sense of movement would be nice - to me it seems like the UFOs are hanging in space, maybe a more dynamicc omposition or some more motion blur on either the UFOs or the background might help?

But I’ll post here in solidarity for Bass Wolf. I was set to see Guitar Wolf play here in Sydney, but tragically only a week before the show, he died and it was all cancelled :(. Love has no borders, nationalities or genders!!

Cerbures: Thanx dude.

The UFO’s are indeed hovering, or hanging, in space. It’s true it doesn’t make it look dynamic, but I kinda like the contrast between the hovering UFO’s and the falling one.

Sorry to hear, man.
Rock ‘n’ Roll is NOT over, baby. Rock ‘n’ Roll never dies!