Objective: Automatically wrap debossed (100 microns) text onto the side of various sizes and types of Insole STLs with input options of text, size and location using a Blender script.
Input: Insole STL, Text and Text Size
Output: Insole with Text Wrapped along the Arch and/or heel Area
- Detect bounding box for size
- Detect left/right insole by looking for max Z location
- Detect Upper Outline of insole
- Follow the change in Z to decide where the Arch begins(After the flat section) and where it ends(Where the Heel
- Find the center of the surface of the Arch
- Emboss Text around the center with warping
- Detect if the text does not fit and resize if necessary, but return that the text has been altered
- If text cannot be fitted return an error
Contact [email protected] to discuss scope-of-work in more detail, compensation terms, and to get sample models for testing.