I am a web developer learning the ropes of blender and felt that a web site devoted to a large library of various animation sequences that a user could download and attach to their rig/model would be very helpful. I am posting to find out possible interest from blender users to see if I should devote any effort towards the creation of this web site.
I am not sure if I would make the animation sequences for sale like in large packs, or just download for free individual sequences.
I am also considering the idea of allowing outside blender animators to upload their own sequences for others download or purchase.
The kinds of sequences I am thinking would go way beyond an ordinary walk cycle. It would have topics like martial art moves, climbing a ladder, riding a bike / skateboard / surfboard / dirtbike / sportbike, jumping large gaps, army crawls, etc. Clearly this would make a game developers and modelers life much easier who wants to create animated movies but either hates animating or is not good at it. They could paste in the animation sequence make a few adjustments to fit their situation and have a nice sequence with little effort.
So I am asking a couple questions:
>>would this be interesting to you?
>>If so what kind of sequences would you like to see?
>>Do you know of any sites that offer this already?
Thanks a lot for your input, I appreciate it.