Weekly CG Challenge - "Cute but Dangerous"

Hey all,

Here’s my quick entry for the weekly CG challenge on facebook (link: https://web.facebook.com/groups/weeklycgc/ )
Mostly Blender/Cycles, with some post-pro in Photoshop. Time taken: 4 days

Enjoy :smiley:

i like it, is it the riven sword in league of legend? :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks :smiley: Well it’s inspired by those types of swords yes… :wink:

loving character! rely nice and interesting timelapse video!!!

^ Thanks man! :slight_smile:

How did this get to the second page?! Back too the top row with you! :smiley:
This artwork deserves more attention!

Haha thanks @Julien Kaspar :smiley:
I really liked your “Femme Fatale” work as well! Definitely top row material!