Weight Paint, Skin & RIg

Hello, I’m still newbie and I have a problem with my character modelling.

I made the armature and got some problem about weight painting. I parent this armature with vertex group. The vertex that should not be included, was pulled to, when I was trying the spine bone. Here are some pictures, hope you can help me.

And here is one with the neck bone.

I’ve tried another method using rig/rigify and automatic weight paint. And there would be holes in my model. What should i do to fix this?

I’m really confused, is my model is not right that cause the problem with skinning and rigging?
Really need your help. Thank you in advance =)

It happens all the time, you accidentally paint weight where you don’t want to. You can set up custom weight colors to easily catch stray weights in User Preferences > System > Custom Weight Paint. It’s best to assign red for very low values because stray weights tend to be weak, and black for zero values. Then you can use the subtract brush to zero out those weights.

Thank you for your solution.
After everything done, I’ve still got a tiny hole on the side, what should I do to fix this?

Is it better rigging and weigh paint by myself manually or using rigify? Thank you =)

You have to deal with all the stray weights of all vertex groups by going thru all the groups.

It’s best to do the weight painting manually. Especially noobies should never use the auto weight paint because they have to learn how to do it manually. Blender’s auto weight paint solution only works with simple models, with more complex characters it simply doesn’t even work, you shouldn’t rely on it for decent results. And when you actually know what your doing, you can use ‘Weight from Bones’ for parts of a character.

As for rigify, if you want to render in Blender, then rigify is ok. However, if you want to export to a game engine, you better master the art of rigging yourself, rigify is not for realtime rendering.

I’ll try to rig by myself. I don’t understand the stray vertex, which vertex should go to which vertex group. Would you mind to look at my work? Thank you =)

You see a hole in your mesh because there are holes in your mesh. The lowest layer of the clothing should be a closed mesh to prevent open holes during skeletal deformation.

I didn’t find any more stray verts, you got rid of them successfully.

Where do you want to render this?

I want to export this model to unity.
Is it better to create the model using base character and layering cloth or sculpting and retopology?
Thank you =)

It’ not either or. You can retopo and bake modeled as well as sculpted geometry. If you sculpt and bake clothing layers, you have to bake layers separately, unless you want to bake to a ‘shell’ mesh that hovers around the whole character or part of the model, but those days where this was needed are gone. Unless you want the game to run an a cheap phone, or you’re making a Top down game with hundreds of characters… It all depends on so many thing.

I plan to make about 30-40 models for my friend’s moba game. The graphic will be more or less like Dragon Nest, what method should I use to make character like this?

I haven’t tried sculpting yet. So far the character making I’ve done, I learnt from here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QT1GNMevfc&index=15&list=PLZt_nwiNlpIWrYHzIW0YBP82qbU9nxmSV&t=659s
I’m still very new to sculpting. I find it more difficult than the one I learnt from the above tutorial.

Is there any tutorial that you recommend? Thank you =)

You can’t sculpt a character like this: I’ve no experience in sculpting, but I’ll follow a tutorial and will be able to create something usable. This approach might work with polygonal modelling but not with sculpting. It takes some time before you can do something far from decent. First you need to get to know the brushes, get a feel how they work. then you need to practice just one body part for long long hours, then another one for long long hours. Sculpting natural looking wrinkles in clothing also requires practicing for long long hours. Sculpting is a whole different story from modeling. If you need this character done in a week or so, you can forget about sculpting. As for sculpting tutorials, first search for something that focuses on brushes.

Thank you for you suggestion. =)
I’ll try to learn more.