Having rig issues with this character, can anyone see the problem? His left arm moves fine but the forearm bone is affecting some of the vertices on his right hand! I can’t see any verts assigned to the bone. I realise there is a slight intersection between the pinky claws but can;t see how that would have any affect as they’re separate objects. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
Join the two lower arms together. On your weight paint change the options to active then you can see the issue. You might want to consider renaming your bones on the right side. It looks like you duplicated them and moved them over or duplicated them twice before. It can get confusing if you don’t, but your call. Anything not solid black has weight on it. Clean it out and then separate the parts again if that is what you want.
Hey! Every day’s a school day! Thanks so much Stilltrying, i would never have worked that out! If I could ask you another time question that might save me a lot of time; after mirroring the arm and relevant rig bones, the right hand bone is affecting the whole right forearm! The left arm/hand works fine but something’s fudged in the duplication/mirroring. Is this a case of duplicating and flipping vertices groups in weight painting or could you advise a better approach.
Yeah and that is why I never try to do that. What I do is after the initial weight (either by auto weights or guessing) I go through a clean up process to make sure that I only have the weights on the bones I want full character (not using mirror). Then usually by X mirror or topology mirror in weight paint mode I refine them so I can watch and see what they are doing to the other side. I gave up on using the mirroring on vertex groups long ago because it never gets it right. The reason is that it is using an old algorithm that just guesses when there are more than one possibility. IE ( If you mirror and the x mirror is just so slightly off, it will put the weight back on both sides. Don’t ask me how, I don’t waste my time doing it that way anymore.) PS: When you clean your weights out, be sure you also use the clean weights in edit mode with all vertices selected to get rid of the zero weights or you may mess up your normalization. DanPro has a good weight painting video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbjKJXkDkzQ and if you notice he also only weights the full figure after mirror. The one after this video will show the weight clean up you need to do.