Weight paint without gradient

Hi! When I add the 100 weight to some loop on my mesh it’s effect wider than this loop becouse of gradient. Is there the way to add the weigth without gradien to something like this on screenshot

and not this:

For now I have the result as in video

I don’t think this gradient matters at all, as the influence works only per vertex - so in your case you have only red and blue values on vertices. This effect might be cosmetic (vertex values represented as face corner paint?).

Unless you subdivide the mesh of course. In that case values will be linearly interpolated on new vertices and create a similar gradient.
Is there any particular reason you need it this way?

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Thanx for answer I use vertex group for hairs. And for now I have the issue about gradient, check out the examples

I have the hair on the beak but I don’t want this

Looks like you’re using Subdivision Modifier…
Maybe you can remove “gradient” values with VertexWieghtEdit modifier:

It should just remove any vertex below threshold (less than “1”) from the Group.

yes, the only weight is just to add extra loop as I see…
Thanks for your help!

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Alternatively, you can remove weight from last loop and add to gradient - it should move the edge of hairs from the beak, I think

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Cool, Thanx for the clarification!