Weight paint wont show up

This is my first time weight painting something I made from scratch, but not my first time weight painting. Usually i just go to the armature put it into pose mode and then select the mesh and go into weight paint but for some reason this time that wont work. I select my body and the option doesn’t appear in the top left. if i select the mesh directly weight paint mode shows up but all the bones are wire-frame and i cannot select them. auto weights wont work here because its not picking up the back of the neck of my model and the hair is sticking to the arm, which i cant fix cause blender is being annoying. anybody know why this is? and how can I fix it? this is the last thing i have to do on this model and its infuriating not being able to do anything.
(also I have been searching for a solution for hours, found one on this site with people who got it fixed but none of the solutions worked for me so i figured id post and hopefully get some help fixing this annoying bug. it could also be a feature i don’t know about and its just hidden away in an impossible to find place lol)

maybe in the top menu bar > Edit > disable Lock Object Modes?

i actually hate myself…

I guess it can be sum up this way:

you need to first parent the object to the armature.

if you’ve enabled Lock Object Mode, first select the armature in Object mode, then shift select the object, then switch to Weight Paint mode, the armature will automatically shift to Pose mode.

If you’ve disabled Lock Object Mode, your armature needs to already be in Pose mode, first select it, then shift select the object.

Edit 2.9: it’s not the case anymore, if you’ve disabled Lock, you don’t need to be in Pose mode, you can shift select the object and the armature will switch to Pose mode. The only thing the Lock option will change is that if your armature is in Pose mode you need to have it disabled if you want to shift select the object.

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thank you for the advice, I already knew about this feature. It was just 5 am and my brain forgot that importing models can sometimes change that setting, in this case that was the hair i was planning on atatching to the model. Thanks for the help.

How is that not explained anywhere, it’s been half an hour I was looking into why the weight paint mode wasn’t showing up, thanks mate!

it doesn’t seem to work this way anymore, now I’m a bit lost with this lock option to say the truth :wink: oh ok, if your armature is in Pose mode you can only shift select the object if the lock option is disabled. So the easiest is to always to have your armature in Object mode, as soon as you shift select the object, the armature will shift to Pose mode anyway