Weight painted mesh still stays in place when rotated

I’m new to Blender and trying to rig a head but the head and body are one mesh so I used weight painting to make sure the head bone only controlled the head. When I rotate the head bone the head deforms, with part of it staying in place rather than moving as one unit. The entire head is uniformly weight painted so I’m not sure why this happens. I also checked to make sure none of the other bones have weight painted control over this area in the head.

I am unable to add an attachment so I have a video link of what is happening here: https://imgur.com/a/hJbVS41

Also as a side note I have no idea why the hands move when I move the head (there is no weight paint there).

Any help with these two issues would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, it’s a common mistake we all did in blender assuming that the red coloured areas means no other vertices group weights are affecting that area.
you need to check each vertices group for what area they are influencing.

Hi, I checked all of the other bones to make sure they were not influencing this area, is that what you mean? Or are vertex groups something different? How do I check vertex group influence?

Hi, if you post a link to the file i will have a look.

Hi Elan,

  • Try check the vertex group, may be vertices of the head are assigned to some other part and also vertices of hand assigned to head bone

  • Parenting of bones - hand joints may be accidentally connected to the head or neck joint, check also the IKs

I had problems while rigging, so delete all vertex group and reassign - for example select vertices of head and in Object data properties add a vertex group first and assign the selected vertex.then rename it with the joint bone you named.

vertex group name also influenced by the same name of the joint.

Hope this helps.Let me know then.
Happy Blending!!

Here’s a download link, thank you!

Hey Shankar,

The head and body are all one mesh-- is this what you mean by vertex group? I downloaded this mesh from online (did not build it myself but just trying to rig it). When you say to select all vertices of the head, what does this mean exactly?

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

Hi Elan, Have a look at the screenshoots the right hand side is where the vertices weight groups are.
As you can see your facial bones groups are influencing the body and head weights. Because you don’t have a bone for the body that is weighted to the body mesh other bones are influencing that group.
My last screen shot is with extra bone for the body. The centre shoot shows light blue that is influence of the lip bone. You need to go through every group and check. Good luck

Wow thank you so much for the help! Really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Hi again!

So I went through all the Vertex Groups and made sure that there were no weights on the head from incorrect bone groups, but the head still seems to be deforming improperly when I rotate the head bone (and the arms continue to move despite also not having any weight from any of the vertex groups).

Am I still missing something? Or is there another way to check possible influence? I’ve uploaded a screenshot of the same vertex group you have highlighted (Eyelid3.L) to show that the deformation is still there even without weight.

I also went ahead and also created a bone for the body but this issue still persists.

Ok, the main problem was that the head bone and the jaw bone were not checked for deformation,(see the screenshot) also you didn’t parent the jaw bone to the head bone. i did the main fixing and weights for you to see what it should look like, i also weighted the eyeballs to the head bone, you still have to do the small facial bones weights and the inner mouth items.
link to file:https://we.tl/t-ctZvjJHVQy

Wow this is incredible-- I cannot thank you enough!

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You can’t see all vertex groups influences in Weight Painting mode, some vertices may be part of a vertex group yet they will be displayed blue. The quickest way to fix this kind of problem is to select this part of your mesh, and in the menu on the right of the vertex groups list (down arrow button), choose Remove From All, then reassign those vertices to the right group, either with the Assign button, or in Weight Paint mode

Hey hey! I downloaded your file and everything worked great, however, somehow the bones in the head seemed to have disappeared. They are not hidden (to my knowledge) because I tried to unhide and they still did not show up. I must have flipped a switch and can’t backtrace it. Any chance you know what this could be? I’ve re-uploaded the file here:

Hi Elan, just switch to the modelling mode layout.

ah got it, thanks!

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Hello! I have a quick follow up question. I’m trying to set up open/closed eye poses on my rig and I’m having trouble figuring out how to get the eyebrow to maintain its shape and not “stretch.” Do you know if there is a toggle I have to switch in order to get this to happen? I’ll provide a video link of what is happening now in a separate comment since it will not let me reply with a link for some reason.

HI Elan, the eyebrow has some weights influence from other bone probably the head. you need to subtract that weight and add it to the eyebrow.

Awesome thank you. Another question, do you have any suggestions for how to rig eyes? I want to set up “open eyes” and “closed eyes” poses in my pose library so that I can get my character to blink. However, this mesh has separate eyelids and I’m not sure whether I should only be moving the eyelids or also add weight to the other eye areas? Not sure if you know the answer to this but any guidance would be greatly appreciated!