weight painting and boning

Has somebody here done a believable elbow or knee? I am not too experianced in weight painting and would appreciate some tips. Also, my win- machine often crashes on that. Is this common?



…depends on what you call believable.
weight painting has been crash-happy on any platform I’ve tried it on (win, linux, 3 different gfx cards (3dlabs,nvidia,matrox), dynamic,static, publisher) If there is a workaround/fix I’d appreciate a tip.
One method is to use group selection instead of painting: just in editmode, select points you’d like to be less influenced by a bone, select that bone’s group, lower the slider value to less than one, then hit assign. much slower than weight painting but achieves similar results.

believable is, when it looks like there are bones and major muscles, bending in the right way. no cartoon bending. I want to do realistic volume. And i think this is accessible with blender. Maybe a little python stuff would be required, maybe not.


I have a sample elbow .blend file, but it may need a little more tweaking. I’d be happy to e-mail it to you if you’re interested.

overextruded: I would really like to have your example file. Please email it at [email protected]