Weight Painting Collisions - Suggestion

Hi there!
I was just thinking how much easier it would be to work with collisions on characters and other meshes if you could control collisions with weight painting. For instance: If you have a character that has particle hair or cloth simulations and you only want it to collide with one specific part of the body. That would be a nice feature addition.
As of currently I try to avoid using collisions if I can because its a hassle to have it work right if you only want a little bit here or there. Currently I just add extra objects to the scene to collide with something like hair or clothing. But this method gets in the way sometimes when animating and its just not intuitive to have the entire character body just collide with everything.
Anyway… Just a thought. I knew if I didn’t write it down somewhere I would probably forget about it and the idea would be lost unless I remembered it at some point.
It would be awesome if the Blender developers created something like this because collision is just a fancy word for rigging simulations to look and behave as it should in real life. If I were to look at it in the way of rigging the cloth to collide with the leg… I would weight paint just the outside of the leg that touches the cloth not the whole thing so that what is effecting the cloth is the weight painted collision.

Kaylee J

Currently, colliders have several properties that would benefit of weight painting (field absorption, stickiness, friction, damping, permeability).

I think that would probably make more sense to allow weight groups to influence properties rather than global collisions.

Most of time, you want a different reaction on a different area of collider rather than a total lack of reaction (a pass through or a messed up simulation with a weight group boundary acting like an hook).

There were a lot of global discussions about physics. Colliders for particle and cloth were rather seen as old solution to abandon rather than something to develop.
Particle nodes was a secondary target of geometry nodes. So, in future, you should probably be able to define a geometry attribute as a way to moderate collision response of particles generated by particles nodes.

Currently, we are stuck to collisions collections to precise in properties of objects that are handling Physics modifier.

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Yeah agreed, using external objects is what everybody does afaik. Hopefully this whole physics system gets updated ASAP to a more granular one using nodes…

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