Weigth paint anomaly

Can someone explian why this behaves like it does?
briefly: the neck bone affects the chest area and it really shouldn’t… I tried several things… cleaned normalized everything… really looks like a bug…
This is a rigified manuel lab character btw. the vertices that are moving in the chest area have weigths only from the shoulders and the spine03 bone. those bones are not rotating at all, yet the vertices still do…

It has the same behavior in both 2.79 and 2.8… must be a rigify thing… but still strange…
2.79 file attached
weigth.rar (3.8 MB)

edit: it seems that for some reasons the child bones are affecting the parent bones’s area… but not the parent bones themselves… at least not visibly…

Where did you get the metarig and the python script? This doesn’t look like the rigify for 2.79. You should have two neck bones. Delete all your metarig and rig and clear out all your parents and modifiers, and that python script and try the standard rigify on 2.79. I didn’t have any issue other than normal weight painting.

I copy pasted the metarig from 2.8 here to check if the problem exist in 2.79 aswell. And I did delete one of the neck bone in the metarig, but it shouldn’t cause problems… I did marked the neck position before generating the rig and renamed the vertex groups correctly.
Rigify only generates the rig, after that it’s just bunch of drivers and constrains… it should work normally…
I tried deleting all the control bones btw and the neck bone (spine04) still affected the spine03 area, just like the spine 03 affected the spine02 vertex group… must be an error…

I solved the issue by moving “spine.004” (metarig) up in the neck and did a manual weight paint.

I’ll rework the add-on.