Weird artefacts with the Human Generator addon

I’m using the Human Generator addon ( 4.0.14 version ) and when I render my animation there are weird artefacts/ spikes coming out of my character but not on every frame. I had this issue for a while on other projects and I have no idea why it’s happening , at first I thought it was a particle system error but even when the particles are disabled it changes nothing
I’m using Blender 4.0.2

Looks like a multires modifier, those don’t animate well. You’ll want to apply that

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I still have this problem but thanks for your response !

Just an Idea,
Check your weight paint. It is possible that some vertex of one area accidentally was selected when another area was painted…
Like when the Thigh was being painted and a vertex in the clavicle was also active…

Also did you by chance use a shrink-wrap modifier? That could cause this also.