I have a very strange problem. I can’t view the model in the solid or material preview. Rendering in eevee does not work either. Strangely enough when I render in cycles it works. Does anyone of you have an idea what this could be? By the way it is a model from Archmodels Vol. 181.
Please excuse my bad english.
Try to check your Viewport clipping in the N panel. Having the end clip set to 100 000 (=100 km) is a bit too much.
Second thing to try is in edit mode Mesh/Normals/Reset vectors. You would need to do this on all objects.
I tried the sample file and FBX works fine. OBJ however imported 100x as big (you can check the model size using the measure tool and it should be about 45 x 20 m. After scaling it down to its normal size everything works fine.
Wow the simplest solution is often the best. Thank you very much, I had not thought of that. Understand the reason not really, the size should not really play a role, Right?