Weird display error

Hello all,

I have a very strange problem. I can’t view the model in the solid or material preview. Rendering in eevee does not work either. Strangely enough when I render in cycles it works. Does anyone of you have an idea what this could be? By the way it is a model from Archmodels Vol. 181.
Please excuse my bad english.


Try to check your Viewport clipping in the N panel. Having the end clip set to 100 000 (=100 km) is a bit too much.
Second thing to try is in edit mode Mesh/Normals/Reset vectors. You would need to do this on all objects.

Thank you for your quick reply. Unfortunately, none of your tips helped. I do not understand what the problem is.

Do you have any duplicate meshes at the same origin? What about modifiers, any on your meshes?

No this is the Free Sample from Archmodels vol.181 as OBJ and FBX. The same problems with both. No modifieres.

I tried the sample file and FBX works fine. OBJ however imported 100x as big (you can check the model size using the measure tool and it should be about 45 x 20 m. After scaling it down to its normal size everything works fine.

Wow the simplest solution is often the best. Thank you very much, I had not thought of that. Understand the reason not really, the size should not really play a role, Right? :slight_smile: