Weird smoothing on edges.

Hello Guys :eyebrowlift2:
this is my first post, so correct me if I do something wrong!

I was modeling a mesh and applied smoothing, but my edges look very weird.

Like this in Blender:

And like this in the a game engine:

This happens to all the edges on my mesh.

I think it looks weird, what am I doing wrong?

-Creey :o

I can’t tell if you are talking about the discoloration, which is due to the normals, or the triangulation along the edges which may be due to the normals but can also be due to hyper-extended edges, extruded overlapping edges or triangular faces or creased edges resulting from pressing “Shift+E”.
But, I’ve had this problems that look like this before. The solution could be that in edit mode, select all your vertices and press “Ctrl+N” and that will recalculate all the normals. It should fix that problem where the mesh is inside out in different places.

Thanks for the quick answers =)
At some points my mesh looks better now with your solution applied.
But on some points it still looks like this

There are some weird creases by the corners.

Any ideas?


If you can, provide a blend file… it will more easy for everyone to check what happend.

Theres so many things who can be the cause.

  • overlapping surfaces, vertices. (remove doubles )

Sorry that was my fault.

Sorry that was my fault.
Here is the link =)

I posted a link but my reply isn’t loading :frowning:
Well here is it again =)

Those creases look like they result merely from the sharp arrangement of edges, not any glitch, there is nothing strange going on (assuming you already ruled out overlapping edges and removing doubles and all the other things that have been suggested). It seems like you connected the corners of the indentation nearly perpendicularly to other surrounding vertices relative to the local z direction of the corner, creating triangular-looking faces near the corners which only exacerbates its sharpness. If you want the corners to not do that, you can either try adding a subdivision surface modifier, or you will have to add more detail around the corners that don’t make such harsh 90 turns when connecting to other vertices.

Hey yes that’s the problem =)
My corners are too sharp.
I don’t know why my previous posts don’t show, but thanks for the solution :yes:
I tried to save on verts so I made sharp cuts, that was probably a bad idea.

Glad I could help! Good luck.