Weird texture distortion even UV is correct?

I have some weird distortion while unwrapping NGON face selected below:

In Image view, UV seems fine but in actual 3d view, I have serious UV distortion. Look at near by location N:, M;, L;, K;.

This is not first time, sometimes UV seems fine but texture is totally messed up something like this.

Funny thing is using Smart UV Project always works in this case, however I don’t wanna use that.

Why this happens and how should I fix this?

Any advice will very appreciate it!

Link for file:

What prevents you from making triangle fan instead of ngon before making UVs?
Ngon gets triangulated without you even knowing this not speaking you infuencing the process. See what Faces - Triangulate on that one selected ngon does. Narrow angle approximation and sum of errors could be the culprit of such distortions easily.

Triangulate doesn’t worked. I already tried.

The problem is maybe the way you’re triangulating that face.

I’ve selected the edge of the ngon, extruded (e) and colapse (alt + m). It looks fine for me.

“Triangulate” is what’s done without your intervention. My proposal was more like this

Thanks, It works now :wink:

Thanks! It works!