Weld in Blender

Firstly, English is not my national language :rolleyes: sorry for mistakes :smiley:
Does anyone can tell me how to make the welds as these down?

I got a suggestion that this could be done using dynamic paint it works but this is too much workā€¦ I modeled a tank, which itself has a lot of places where they are visible weldsā€¦

Moved from ā€œGeneral Forums > Blender and CG Discussionsā€ to ā€œSupport > Modelingā€ (though it might be more appropriate to put this in ā€œMaterials and Texturesā€)

Use a simple texture and think about how close you need the camera to be to the welds for the closest shot in your sequence. Chances are you donā€™t need that much resolution.

you could emulate this pattern using
metaball !
or you could also use pic and make a bump map !


The only reason to use dynamic paint would be to animate the act of welding itself. Another option to add to everyone elseā€™s suggestions might be a mutires sculpt baked to a normals map. But I also agree that you could get away with something simpler if the camera isnā€™t going to get extremely close to those welds.

Can you give me a link to something similar like emulating pattern with metaballā€¦
Thanks to everyone!!

welding1.blend (532 KB)
you might need to find a nice image for welds join horizontal
not certain if its is pack with file!

here are examples with 3 methods



for the metaballs you could play with distances or make it real then use sculpt tool to re shape it

i mean there are more then one way of doing things in blender!


Thank you!