were to find matcap images

Anyone knows were to download free matcap images?
just the images

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use google, or make them your self :slight_smile: just a simple fading/gradient circle, is all you need.
here this site got a nice package of 80 Mb matcaps or how he calls it lightspheres: http://extra.fagurd.com/

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I’m learning about this field. Hope to receive help from you.

making it aint so hard.

  • open gimp2
  • ad new alpha layer (so you got 2 layers, background and the alpha)
  • select alpha layer and with the select tool select/make a nice circle
  • grab the gradient tool, color it as you want.
  • select background layer
  • grab fill tool (bucket)
  • hit color palette
  • hit the pipet (dunno how its called(color picker i thought?)
  • select the color from the circle and just paint the background the same color as the outline of the circle.

save it as image

Tip: you can also ignore the background layer and remove it, so you make an alpha image out of the gradient circle.

  • open blender
  • add material
  • add texture
  • set it to normal (instead of uv)
  • select your image

Tip, remove specular
Tip 2, put it on shadeless for a better effect
Tip 3, matcaps works better on high(er) poly objects



You should also check out Ben Simonds’ matcap generator.

  • set it to normal (instead of uv)
    Set it to normal? I use “reflection” is that wrong? . . . anyway . . . cool stuff Cotax, I’ll give it a try. :slight_smile:

Set it to normal? I use “reflection” is that wrong? . . . anyway . . . cool stuff Cotax, I’ll give it a try

To be honest i have no idea, to me it seemed normal, to put it on the normals due to reflection well its gonna be used to reflect something. :wink: i would say try them both take the one that you like the most :slight_smile:

Another tip to speed up matcap building process is to go to filters -> render -> balloon designer “i literally translated it from dutch to english but you get the point i guess”. It will create a nice full image size round sphere with colors/settings of choice.

After playing around with matcaps yesterday. I noticed if you use normal it’s more accurate to the way blender matcaps look. When trying to use a custom matcap with reflection I get weird things showing up where using normal it doesn’t. If you want to test download blenders matcaps and and see the difference.

Here’s some screenshots. The left is the material texture, the right is blenders matcap

Here’s with normal.

Here’s with reflection.

OK cool. Yeah I use reflections and change mix to multiply, makes it really shine, you can turn down the color if it’s too glossey. But it’s up to the person using it; :slight_smile:
It will reflect the matcap, I think. Correct me if I’m wrong, tho. :slight_smile:
I have a lot of matcaps, some for unity, some maybe not legal.

Thanks again cotax. :slight_smile:

It will reflect the matcap, I think. Correct me if I’m wrong, tho

yes it will, because you put it on reflect, i dont use that option so i don’t now for sure


Nope im wrong:

Uses the direction of the reflection vector as coordinates. This is useful for adding reflection maps. You will need this input when Environment Mapping.

Uses the direction of the surface’s normal vector as coordinates. This is very useful when creating certain special effects that depend on viewing angle.

source: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/render/blender_render/textures/properties/mapping.html

OK, I see now, that’s the way I’ll do it from now on. Thanks guys. :slight_smile:

Here are blends, also to connect with previous threads: Matcaps on Cycles