Western Town

So here’s a WIP of a Western Town that I am working on, figured I would stay with the western theme after my revolver. So far a mixture of Painted textures and procedural materials. If there are any comments or critiques I would be interested in hearing them. Thanks in advance

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Got an update. Worked on making the wood panels more realistic. Also made a door and more accurate windows for the saloon/hotel. Comments and crits are always welcome. Thank you!

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Update… been really working on the wood materials. Quick sand material on a quickly sculpted plane. Barrels, sign, light fixtures. A ton more to do, but the process should speed up a little bit now !

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Are you going to add any paint? Seems like some paint would make the details pop more, imo. And lots of dust, maybe a volumetric element to simulate dust in the air. I made a tutorial a long time ago about combining materials, such as wood and paint using a grayscale UV image. I might have to dig for it now.

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Great job! I look forward to seeing more western stuff!

Hey, that’s taking shape !
One thing that could work well is to add a displace modifier on some part ( you can use a vertex group to isolate parts of a mesh). The displace should have a broad noise texture (big scale) .
The idea is to break the straight lines to give a more hand made feel. It should be subtle so it doesn’t look broken, but basically that would give you some modeling detail for free, and you keep the straight mesh for easier modeling !

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You need to use reference. Also like your proportions are off. Do you work in real world Scale? Not only that renders love reals scale, this is very useful to make interrelationship between object right. I suggest you to import human figure and check all measures according to this figure… or just make ‘brick’ in size of human ( 180 - 185cm high and 60 cm width ).
btw. try to work without materials they can distract you very easy.


Happy Monday!

a small update, looking at rescaling the objects, displacing some of the wood, and volumetrics will be next to last. Thank you to everyone for your comments, I will be trying to update more in a few days using the suggestions! (boxes for scale) Thanks again!


Looks much better. Keep at it!

Here’s some info about combining materials:

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I appreciate everyone’s help. I basically lost my initial vision of what I had planned for this town and think I will consider this done for now. My main goal with this was to make a procedural material that can be applied to any surface and make planked wood without having to model and add polygons. I think I have managed to do this fairly well. My next “large” scene I will plan out better and use more references to maintain a clear goal. Thanks to everyone who commented on the thread.


I think that you should be proud. I am looking forward to your next project!

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