What am I doing wrong with this remesh modifier

I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong with this remesh modifier as you can understand from the title… I have 2 objects, 3 actually but I merged 2 of them using boolean modifier. I tried to look for treads that maybe had similar problem to mine however I wasn’t able to find any. Now as you can see, since these are seperate objects, I need them to look like a smooth object, without making it obvious that they are seperate objects. Therefore I decided to use remesh modifier to smoothen out the parts that I intend to connect. So first, I connected all the objects using boolean modifier, union, then applied the remesh modifier, it looks normal if I choose voxel, but thats not the look I want, I need it to look smooth, therefore I choosed smooth but it comes out bugged like you can see in the picture: https://imgur.com/yMdsofU
Now, I have to mention as well these objects were a part of a much complicated object that I modeled, however I seperated and deleted the complicated part because I don’t want to complicate this post even further. However since it was actually part of a more complicated object so I needed to use quite a bit of modifiers when I was creating them, however I applied all of them, so they are a mesh now, and why would that cause a problem? I created the more complicated object by creating a curve, then made a simple object with the help of skin modifier, applied subdivision surface modifier to smoothen in out, then added curve modifier to make the object I created follow the curve I also made. Could that be the reason why it is creating bugged appereance? (I really don’t want to scrap it all and start modeling all over again, it was already very hard to create for me :sweat_smile: so I am open to other options that can help me overcome this problem, not necessarily insisting on solving it with the remesh modifier)
Here is the file if you want to see the problem yourself: https://pasteall.org/blend/0fc4056051b347a58214d977e580726f
Help is very appreciated
Thanks in instance!

Your remesh modifier just doesn’t have enough resolution (octree depth).

However, that’s not how I would do it. I would use the voxel remesh mode and then add a smooth modifier and increase the repeat until it’s smooth enough. Also, the subdivision modifier seems to just do some weird stuff to the ngon on the side, so I just removed it.

After that’s done, I applied the modifiers and used decimate to bring the mesh to a useable polycount. Decimate tends to result in some slight issues, so I used a bit more smoothing afterwards and moved some more problematic polygons by hand to fix the model. Here is the result:
RemeshModifierProblem.blend (4.1 MB)

You can then keep decimating more than that for lower polygon counts, but with increasingly glitchy shading.

This technique of remesh, smooth and decimate can be used to fuse any crazy shape together and get smooth transitions, as long as you are fine with messy topology:

If you need clean topology however, then you will have to either remesh by hand, or find a good remeshing software or addon.

Thanks a lot! I will try it out now. Also 1 question. So far I have been learning with the help of tutorials. Only when I am facing a more complex problem like this, then I come to blenderhelp to get help from more experienced people. Tutorials told me to avoid messy topology and triangles, I don’t know the reason why but I did it anyways. Is there a reason why people try to avoid messy topology and triangles? Or is it just because it looks bad?

You’ll want to avoid messy topology if you’re deforming or animating the mesh. Armatures don’t work well with thin triangle mesh, they need good quad flow. No armature, no problem :slight_smile:

But it won’t affect shading right? I see, I am not going to animate what I am working on nor will I use an armature for it so it won’t affect me then. Thanks

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Having a messy topology could affect shading if you go too coarse, or have your polygons too unevenly spaced or stretched. Begginers are encouraged to learn clean topology first, as it’s a skill that really needs to be learned (ex. for characters) and allows a mesh to be edited easier in the future, especially in a production environment where your mesh could be edited by other artists. But I believe that messy topologies, triangles and ngons can be useful if you know when to use them and that they should not be feared.

Making a triangle mess like that has advantages and disadvantages. It can help create complex, smooth shapes quickly, but in a messy way and it demands a certain level of skill. Also, it’s a very destructive and permanent technique, so it would be a good idea to keep backups of objects before attempting. And of course, it works best on non-deforming meshes.

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Also would it count as an animation if I am just going to rotate an object around an axis as an animation? Would that get messed up if I try to do that with an object that has messy topology?

Not in this context- I just mean animation as anything that deforms the object, including armatures, shape keys, lattices, hooks, etc. like @etn249 said you should strive for for good topology regardless but if you’re not deforming the mesh it’s not absolutely critical :slight_smile:

Ok then, thanks to all of you a lot for the help :slight_smile: