What are the Tips and Tricks to Make Stylized Low Poly Creations?

Hi there,

Over the past few months, I’ve noticed that many Roblox games use 3D stylized low poly creations. As someone interested in understanding how to create them, I’ve been looking for resources and references.

I usually search on Sketchfab and use two types of references, one from CreativeTrio and the other from LowPolyBoy:

However, I’m not sure where to start. I’ve asked on the Blender Community Discord server and searched on YouTube, but I haven’t found anything that relates to what I want to achieve. I’ve only understood that I need to use gradients to make it cartoonish and eye-catching.

Does anyone have any tips or resources on how I can create these low poly creations? Please let me know in the replies!

Thank you!

Bumping as my topic wasn’t answered yet

See the lecture on the link



Try ALL THE WORKS channel on YT.
He uses Geonodes - but that is useful to know. And Geonodes makes low poly easier. He has a number of Blender / Unity / Unreal videos.

Did you try wireframe mode on Sketchfab - and take a few screenshots?

I can try using Geonodes as something new to me that I have never used before when modeling anything… Now, regarding from Blender to Unity / Unreal Engine, I am more looking forward to using the game engine Roblox Studio

About that, yeah! I have been playing with the settings of Sketchfab to see how it works and I managed to find a part where you can see the 3D models in wireframe mode.

But some of the models are impossible to replicate because I don’t know how to produce that “trick” that the person made…


(“How can I make the leaves in this format?”)


(“Erm… How can I make the petals like this and repeat them around to each other?”)

Radial array.
Means array in a circle. Do a search for tutorials on this
In standard Blender you make an array and use an empty object to have those arrayed object spin into a circle.
In GeoNodes you create instances (copies) of the petals on a circle.

Take several screen shots - front, right side, top.
Work between the various views to work out the shape and location of the models faces. You can drag and drop the screenshots into blender and arrange them to match the front, side and top views (or any other you have).
There are lots of tutorials that show you how to set up and use character reference images to make your model… Its the same thing.

Also… Always look at a finished object you want to copy and think of the primitive shape in blender that matches it.
This is half an icosphere…
Half an icosphere
…So add an icosphere, delete the lower part and turn on proportional editing to pull the mesh into that shape.
Make plant

You dont have to be exact with the faces - it is the final mesh shape that matters.
Most of the trees in your original post can be made with an icosphere and a cylinder for the trunk. One tree is obviously cubes.

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Hello, I saw this post the other night after I made a quick lo-poly vehicle, and meant to get back to you on this.

I see you’ve added more info and are looking a specific things, like the flower petals. For them, I would do it by creating a 6 vertex circle mesh, delete all verts but 2. Extrude those 2 verts to make the petal. Then duplicate the petal verts and rotate them by 60 degrees, since it’s 6 sided. Done in 5 mins…

Next row of petals would be maybe an 8 sided circle. Rinse and repeat…

And I think that is how I would approach all the flowers I looked at.

For those 2 trees you posted the wireframe image of, I think they were sculpted and remeshed somehow. The orange/redish tree almost looks like the topping of an ice cream cone that’s melting. Sculpting is the quickest way to get that shape, but at a very hi poly count. It would then need to be reotopoligzed - low poly modeling a mesh that follows the contour of the hi poly one - or remeshed. Blender has a remesh modifier - never used it before…

Everything else tree wise is simple primitive shapes. The palm trees would be more like a flower petal…


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