What do you do while rendering?

ummm… are you serious…?[/quote]

I never really noticed any major slowdown or anything, unless the memory required is at the limit, naturally.

By the way, how do you like my sig?

A little nasty, I’m not sure even basse does that.

Sorry. I’ll try and think of another one.

Whaddaya think about my new one?

Yeah, explains what is what.

Getting in an artist way while on a Blender-streak is bad news.

Ha ha ha, that one is much, much funnier! :smiley:

why would you hide her mouth???
i don’t understand?

So she can’t “ramblambalam”. (Talk too much) It would look very creepy though.

ow ok lol :smiley:

I take out my semi-automatic, and start firing at the walls. Then I put on some sunnies, run outside and attempt to run up a wall shouting “I’m in the matrix!”…then I wake up and hit my head on the nearest wall in hopes of knocking myself unconcious again, meanwhile the grass outside is rendering faster than my computer.


Looks like mystery00 sparked-up a fat-ass joint as well!

haha. I like running up walls too…

Ha hah ha, That’s the best response so far mystery00!

Too bad you can only run 1 instance in OSX - hope this is changed in future releases.

in before lock

I just pace back and forth. Sometimes I"ll read, and I’ll go running if there’s enough time.

Watching almost rotten threads vanishing into the void of lockers land. What a smell.

+1 One technique I figured out when trying to render long sections was to set up several renders at once. That way I could render different scenes from an animation and go to bed without worrying about what to do if one render finished before the night was over.