What does the function of 'Multi-Touch Gestures' actually doing?

In this page:


there is this text describe the function of the ‘Multi-Touch Gestures’

Track-pad and tablet support for pinch to zoom, pan and orbit.

Could anyone explain what the action of it actually does? What does ‘pinch to zoom, pan and orbit’ actually mean?

Thank you!

As far as i know for multi touch this means: having two fingers on the tablet/touch screen so the computer knows when you just

  • move them left right up down ( → pan)
  • rotate them (-> rotate …like R and mouse move), or
  • move them more together (pinching → “reverse zoom” or wider angle ) or apart ( → zoom).

Actual…ly have alook here:

Thank you so much, now reading back, I think I understood what it is trying to say, using three fingers with 3 points to form a triangle, then withdraw or expand the fingers in/out (pinching action) to zoom in/out. Not sure about pan and orbit, panning tends to move screen horizontally.