What exactly does he do here does he get the vertices from the back as well?

and after he gets those vertices he extrudes and moves im doing exactly what hes doing but im only pulling the faces from the front i dont get the same results he does.
but when i get the 4 of them and extrude i do but its hard to do that from the front for me but he does it from the front anyways…

[AT 9:57 and following that until 10:11]

The video is an hour long you could post which minute is the one you have problems with.

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at 9:57 to 10:11.

Press Z to switch to wireframe / X-Ray.

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or use this button:

so hes doing what i believe hes doing right?

Yes when you have x-ray on you can select all 4 vertices including the back hidden ones.

activate xray vision powers you get both front and back vertices (4 in total in this specific model of the legs)
you extrude and move it up with your mouse…
you let go
then you press “s” for scale
note: you cannot both extrude and scale at the same time"

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after this. he uses the loop cut in order to slide along the lines like that you hold the left mouse button.

Select a face. Press i to inset. Move the mouse a bit. Hold down Ctrl and move the mouse more. You just did an extrude and scale at the same time…
Keep releasing and pressing the Ctrl as you move the mouse.