What happened to Blendermania!?!?

Now it doesn’t have anything to do with Blender? What’d Vinny do?

looks to me like blendermania is gone :frowning:

Dropped the web address and moved on to better or worse things?
Is trying to make money online?
Some new guy taking advantage of all us blenderheads that know of the site and look at it?
why did it have to be dropped?
whaaaaa…whaaaa :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
:x :x :x :x :x

Vinnie has let thedomain expire.

I tried to buy blendermania.com by putting a backorder on it. But the company you see who has it now beat me to it :frowning:


(to self) Calm down. There’s no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It’s a headless Blender operating under the illusion of a master plan. Can you grasp that? The Moderators are not watching you.

dang dude, have a little paranoia complex happening there?

I don’t know why you think I’m paranoid. Read this:

“I’ve always had this feeling that something wrong was happening in the universe, and that nobody would tell me what it was.”
“That’s perfectly normal paranoia. Everyone in the universe has that.”

–“The Hitch-hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy” (I haven’t seen it! HOW’D THAT GET IN MY HEAD?! Oh yeah, those aliens from the government planting weird stuff in my head!)

Anyways, I’ve been paranoid ever since hearing the plot to “The Truman Show.” The paranoia grew when I saw “Cube.” And it was all confirmed when everyone seemed to be wearing cameras on their clothes, and everything has a part in the all-time strange conspiracy!

(Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m being a little paranoid. But not too much.)


You’re just jealous because the voices are talking to me!

And just because you are paranoid, dosen’t mean they aren’t out to get you.

Quick! Start a paranoia thread! Before they find out and shut down the community!

Can I join your paranoia thread and blame it all on small rodents, especially gerbils?

Stop the voices :o

only if they are white with red eyes and talk spanish.


Back to the original question;

  1. as I understand it, someone forgot to pay the bills, then it never got rejuvenated (everything was lost)


  1. you can still get to those tutorials by going to http://www.archives.org and look up www.blendermania.com choose a date, not the latest, something a little before it, I think. Most of the tutorials are still there, some are not :frowning: But only about 3 or 4 are missing.

Question??? Should I put them up on my site as lost tutorials? As far as I know, no one has picked up the ball??? Then, if anyone has a problem with it, I can take it down???

If anyone knows better, please let me know, thanks, Ingie

Hi Ingie,

First of all, it’s http://www.archive.org (no ‘s’) and when I search for
www.blendermania.com there I get an error about robots.txt.
If you can still connect and grab the tutes I would do so ASAP
– they might be blocked by the new blendemania owners.


Shoot, I get the same message. I also just lost a hard drive, don’t know if I backed that up… I sure hope I did. I’ll look for it, if I find those tutorials, I’ll upload them onto my site. They were pretty good.
Thanks Hos!


what I see there now is some sort of web directory… and I have seen the exact same site, but just with different domain name couple of times, even on some finish sites I think… … I always thought it’s just kind of “not found” page… ???


what I see there now is some sort of web directory… and I have seen the exact same site, but just with different domain name couple of times, even on some finish sites I think… … I always thought it’s just kind of “not found” page… ???


They simply buy used domain names, point them to their own servers, to generate hits. Hits brings in people. People bring in revenue.
Get enough domain names, you get enough exposure … sad but true ;(