What happened to Nemo's Pose?!

This file worked perfectly until 2.79, now it is severely broken! I’ve tried all the fixes I could fine here on the board to no avail. Please take a look and let me know if I need to rebuild with the new rigify base or what.

Here’s the rest position

Yeah, not pretty…

And the file for testing.

Thank you guys!

You need to pay more attention to your own screenshots:

Click on “Reload Trusted” to enable loading of the Rigify scripts. Scripts are by default disabled from running automatically - as a safety precaution.

Thank you IkariShinji for your fast response and YAY, it worked. Would you please be so kind as to show me in where in the documentation this is listed? I did make an earnest attempt to find a solution in the forum responses, in the docs and tutorials. I know I have only scratched the surface of how Rigify works and I never got the connection with the ‘reload trusted’ menu being completely overwhelmed with the problem.

A simple solution; wonderful!

Thank you again for sharing your knowledge.

It’s here in the Blender manual (just search for “Reload Trusted”)…:wink:

Mind you, though, that rigs made in previous versions might not work flawlessly in 2.79. I seem to recall that there are compatibility issues.

Thank you for the link. Is there a way to swap out the old rig for the current one without basically starting over?

You may be able to work with this rig, but it needs work. The hands, for instance, have to have all the rolls recalculated because the fingers are bending the wrong way.

Well, when push comes to shove, you can always keep using Blender 2.78 (or whatever version the rig was created in) just for this file.

Get the “zipped” variant of the corresponding Blender version and unzip it to the folder your assets are saved in. This will not interfere with your “main” 2.79 installation. I tend to do this with all projects I work on, just to spare me any surprises in terms of compatibility when opening older files with the current version of Blender.

Or is there a reason to pull this project into 2.79?

Hi Safetyman, Thank you for your kind help. I based all my male figures on this rig which is why I’d like to use it to keep things simple. Are there any other areas besides the fingers that are wrong? I’ll do the work; need to learn how to do it anyway.

Hello IkariShinji, I’m going to make a lot of underwater imagery with my work and thought the latest version would help with the rendering. I’m looking to create photo-realistic underwater renders. There will be a groups of crewmen and divers based on this same rig so if it can be used then I’ll move forward with it. If it will give me a lot of grief then I have no real problem starting from scratch. Thank you again for all your help.

I didn’t check every bone but the upper arm has some weird twisting at certain poses, nothing really to worry about unless you put the model in some extreme poses. What I usually do is pose the model all different ways and see which bones are causing issues. In the case of the hand, it’s just a matter of getting the rolls right, which is fairly easy to do.

Thank you Safetyman for your kind response. I’ve checked the model and rigging and it’s pretty well trashed. Nothing is linked properly in the rig. For instance. if you select the hand paddle, it no longer works the hand. A rework will give me a chance to get acquainted with the new setup.