What is behind the wall ?

Hi all !

Here is my lastest picture. Done in one week. It is mainly a technical test for grass, stones and trees in blender. Grass are not particles !

The final scene is about 4,7 millions poly.:eek:

And some details :

I hope you’ll like it ! :slight_smile:

very good… can you post some wire frames (obviously ignore the grass if that’s all mesh) perhaps a little more red tone in the wall would counter the very blue tint to the over all image, but really nice… simple, realistic, well executed… the close up of the stone shows a really good level of detail…

That is amazing. Your grass is a mesh? The whole thing looks photoreal

the grass looks excellent, the scene is bore, no atmosfere in there, sorry. technically its a shame that threes are repeating, also you choose detail of grass were you can see repeating. anyway Im far from resullts like you did :slight_smile:

you know what I’m thinking about it :slight_smile:

that’s just amazing dude, over 9000 stars
well played old chap, well played


I agree.

awesome !

just the trees on the BG are a little bit strange :slight_smile: anyway good job!

Grass are not particles ? So what’s the secret? :slight_smile:

I like how this one turned out. The only thing I have that kinda gets my attention is all the leafs on the tree look all the same


Thanks for your kind comments and for your crits!

dvandamme: Thanks! I will post the wireframe as soon as I can access to my laptop.

vklidu,Mad Hatteur : No atmosphere?That’s strange because some people told me that they loved the the strange atmosphere of this picture… So it seems that feeling the atmosphere of the picture isn’t automatic. ^^

weilynn: thanks my friend! :spin:

MmAaXx, rabbit_slayer : thanks! But I think 9000 stars is a little bit ‘too much’ :wink:

congcong009: Grass are mesh.Basically, it the same mesh repeated again and again…

nicktechyguy: In fact, leaves are all the sames!:yes: I used Tree from Curve to generate the tree.

Thanks again!