What is going with Blender hairs?

Then I create hair with more than 30-100 segments or/and more than 100-300 hairs if I bake, or not bake, on some frame I get this.
Hair system of blender looks wery buggy.
I have 96 GB RAM…

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer. There is not very much info what you did or how much are you experience with the different hair systems in blender.

I think 30 segement for one hair… is a bit much…

…so there is also some animation/simulation involved… makes it more complex too.

If you want realistic simulation, you need maybe 300 segments in one hair. 3dsmax have up to 150 segments hair system… So 30 segments is wery, wery small number for todays…
And now it not work and with 30 segments. It working wery strange. Never known then it works normal, then it not works normal…

I don’t know what you did wrong, but try to watch this one tutorial on hairs in Blender, maybe it will help you:

Thanks, but In this video is no hair simulation… I have problem exatly with hair simulation.

Regarding hair (and simulations in general), Blender is in a transitional state.
The new, curves-and-nodes based hair system doesn’t support simulation out of the box yet (or does it? I might be behind, didn’t really check 4.x), while the old, particle based hair system is deprecated.

It is possible to transfer vertex coordinates from a cloth simulated mesh to curves, however am I correct to assume you were using particle based hair?

If so, don’t expect state of the art high end sim results from it.

for (character) hair or cloth then you currently need to use something other then Blender…

Yes. I using particle based hair.

What other and free?
Blender cloth simulation is wery good, I see,only need good hair simulation…

Other… there’s a few, from plugins to Max and Maya, to Houdini. As to being free, nope not an option.

It really isn’t. It may seem so from a basic test or a plane falling on a box, but actually try to do any sort of semi-complex and somewhat realistic full character cloth simulation and things soon start to fall apart or crumple together or pop from one frame to the next or jitters, etc, etc.

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You can increase collisions quality and steps more add. But it baised on CPU so maybe slower thant in other programs that use GPU. You also must have soft body to get properly cloth simulation, to not go body to body, then any cloth simulation is not work good.
I little found how fix problem with hairs. Firs step need decresse number of segments to 5-10. Here is no other way. But you can increase hair number to 2000-4000 what give maybe more reality. And can increase hair mass from 0.3 kg to 1-6 kg. And increase pin Goal Strench to 0.010-0.200.

Can you share your configuration in the particle system? Also, did you try the method of making the hair system in a scalp mesh?

It will quickly become way slower, plus with hair, one will face the second problem. No child hairs are tested for collisions, so you can be pretty sure that some amount of hair will cut into the mesh.

Do you have a high quality video showing that and the difference it makes?