What is recommended Unit Scale?

Hi, I use Unit Scale as below.

This is the setting I found in Youtube. I try to use this all the time since I usually handle with human accessory and clothe.
And in my opinion, it works well when I export and import to other software, and append to other blender files.
However, when I model like 200cm object, I always have to change view distance and camera size and so on…

My question is; is it recommended to use the same Unit Scale all the time?
I’m worried about rig and shader value(such as SSS) when I work with different unit scale and append them together.

You should use real world units. A person should be close to 2 meters tall, for example. This is extremely important for SSS, and some other shaders, and lighting- you can’t get realistic lighting or shading with incorrectly sized models.

Thank you.
Is it okay to change Unit Scale value depending on the actual size?
When I model human, I use 1.0, and when accessory, use 0.01??

From what I’ve gleaned from “the pros” it’s best to choose a unit scale that’s appropriate for your project.

For example, the 3D printing folks seem to favor working in millimeters, since most of their models are often in the100 mm range in the real world.

And the architecture folks seem to work in meters. Maybe some Americans work in feet, but I haven’t seen them.

In any case, your question inspired me to write an add-on to quickly switch between units. It also sets the resolution and clipping for the current 3D View.

quick_switch_units.py (4.0 KB)

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Unit Scale is just a way to expose dimensions.
If your import an object from a scene with another unit scale, that should have no impact on object dimensions.
But it is true that there is one and Blender is currently doing a wrong reply by re-scaling the object.

You have to save assets in a file that will have same Unit Scale that scene where they will be employed.

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I work in inches. Most units work ok in most places in blender, but there are some places where the unit conversions break down, especially in geonodes. Consequently I got really good at multiplying by .0254 and dividing by 39.3701


Thank you for replies.
It seems to be safe to use the same unit scale; I use 0.01 and default cube is 2cm.
In this way, when I append other blender object or rigged character, it won’t be a problem.

And thank you for the unit scale change script!
I am not good at scripting, so I don’t know how to use it…, if you have a time to explain for me, I really appreciate.
Thank you.

It’s an add-on, so install it like any other. How to install add-ons

It will show up in 3D View > Sidebar (N Panel) > View > Switch Units.

Updated version:

quick_switch_units_101.py (4.2 KB)

Now I understand how to use it. It is very useful!
Thank you so much!

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so for the necro post, but this is still relevant to me at least. so I am either going crazy, but if I choose 0.01 unit scale and cm then my character faces look nicer than if I choose 1.0 and cm .
This especially seems to affect the lighting and SSS
Obviously If I choose 0.01 my character head is really small, like 2.8 cm, so i scale the objects up in the scene, so the dimensions look correct ie 28cm
This means i have scaled up my objects by 100 and then hit apply scale.
Then if I export this to maya at export scale of 1.0 , it is correct in maya ie 28cm tall

so my question is should I always stick to 0.01 when doing portraits/humans?
The difference is subtle, but it does seem to be there, ie re the SSS and lighting. and yes I did delete the old lights and put new ones in after rescaling

No, you should model at real world scale. If your SSS looks better at miniature scale, there’s something wrong with your lights

so how come the collision for particle hair works properly at 0.01 scale
and in my dimensions, It’s still 28 cm high because I rescaled it

also if you model at this scale and export to maya at 1.0 scale its correct ie 28cm is indeed 28cm in maya too
If I model in cm and use 1.0 unit scale then it needs to be scaled up by 100 when exporting to maya

The problem is that Maya uses 1 cm as the default unit and Blender uses an agnostic unit that is assumed to be 1 meter. You are premultiplying dimensions by setting the Unit Scale in Blender It is probably better to work with regular units Blender but create a dedicated export profile for Maya with correct export multiplier. I am not certain that if the Unit Scale multiplier will work properly or work the same everywhere in Blender.

It might be a good idea for Blender to move to 1 cm as the default unit size in the future but this could be a complicated task to fullfill really given Blender always worked with the internal unit the whole time.

so basically i should just use 1.0 as the unit scale and use cm or metres for my characters and as long as my character has a Z dimension of say 185 cm then I am correct?
sorry but this whole thing really confuses me. not to mention trying to merge characters in to other scenes :slight_smile:
maya can be weird too as the default sss skin preset looks totally overblown. I have to scale up a head by 10 factor to make it look normal, but if you measure using the measuring tool, my scales would be off by a factor of 10

should I just be relying on what looks good not what is technically correct?