What is the best method to modeling this irregular business card

There are two tiny bumps on the hair. How to approach it with clean topology?

First explain to me why you need to have “clean” topology.


If you don’t need any deformation, you just need to cut the edges and use them.
If you need variations or animations with variations, you need a grid configuration.

In this case, you can use the edge-cut object to cut the grid object. (Need to clean up)


haha, I just want to practice.

Thank you for the reply :grinning:

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Fair enough (and the right answer). :+1:
I would suggest you soak your brain full with topology knowledge, then practice.
If you are interested in proper sub-D, all quads production modelling methods I’d recommend this channel:
It’s Maya, but that’s irrelevant, they have some very good topology tutorials and the principles of it are universal.

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Organize the edges and fill the inside.

The link below is a topology lecture. (It’s a slow-paced lecture)


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As long as the card won’t be deformed during animation -do not overthink the topology. Use triangles if needed. When all vertices stay coplanar, it won’t affect the surface shading any way

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Thanks a lot!!! It helps~

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BTW, what are those green lines?

I put the edges for the topology roughly. :sweat_smile:

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I MADE IT! It looks great now~~~

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