What is the best monitor touch pen?

I need a good large/medium monitor with pen sensitivity to work with Blender. Not so much an artist pen and pad but a pen but it won’t break the bank…

XP Pen 12 is on Black Friday sale:
There’s no cheaper brand than XP Pen, you’ll be hard pressed to do better than this

Should I get the 21 Inch or the 23 it is almost half price difference. Would you recommend the 23?

I recommend as big as you can afford :slight_smile:

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One more question. Does it work well pushing buttons and dragging vertices? etc…?

I’ve been on the XP Pen train for about four years, I’ve had an Artist 12 Pro and a Artist 24 Pro, I have nothing but positive things to say about both :slight_smile: they’ve worked phenomenally well

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Do you feel like there is a huge advantage to working with the pen on screen rather than the mouse or a pen and pad? Thanks

Definitely, it’s a much better experience

I just bought the XP Pen 21-inch at 27% off this black Friday. Excited.


i have two of the 22 ones, the 22e which i’ve gotten great use out of (but had no tilt feature), and the 22r which i recently bought (which does have tilt), but haven’t had time to dig into yet. i’ve been very pleased with the first one though, enough to buy the 2nd. :smiley:

I received my XP Pen - 22. It was easy to install, and I decided to use it as a monitor as well. I have a very large 4K monitor and don’t quite like how big and clunky it is, and there are still problems with some apps’ resolution as some buttons are super small. It is by far a different experience to use it as a pen, like in drawing and sculpting. I’m not sure If I think it is a great advantage to use it to construct objects in 3D. I’m so used to the mouse. I will keep it; it might encourage me to do more sculpting and drawings.

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aye… is the main reason i bought mine, drawing. but i can see it quite useful for sculpting as well. i have too many years though in poly/hard modelling to change my habits now though. lol :smiley:

(and of course the extra screen real estate never hurts)

I’m not too thrilled with the resolution because my other monitor is 4K, so I got spoiled but I like the low res too. It’s like a low poly effect thing.