What is the best way to achieve this.....fried chicken

Hey guys,

Im looking to recreate this fried chicken and wanted your feedback on the best approach to getting the texture right.

Would you suggest A) modelling the bumps and lumps OR B) using modifiers to achieve this or C) some other way.

You could model the drumstick out and then give this a go https://www.reddit.com/r/blenderhelp/comments/i3e2j3/deep_fried_chicken_texture/g0c0kby/.

I think using a sculpt brush with a cloud texture (and maybe jitter) could give you decent results as well and then clean it up from there.

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Hey @SgtFlex

Thanks for that great recommendation.

I gave it a try and was thrilled with the result. Here is a quick render of where I ended. Still have some tweaking to do with subsurface scattering and some finer texturing but its looking close to the Fried Chicken I was aiming for.

Thanks so much.