What is the Blender equivalent of grouping (not collections)

Coming from 3ds max (and possibly Cinema 4D has this as well) you could group objects so that they could have a common pivot point aka origin. Useful if you had a skull and a jaw and wanted to tilt the skull and jaw together, but then when you would open the group, you could angle the jaw separately as it still has its own pivot point.

This isn’t the same as collections though, collections are like layers in 3ds max, essentially a folder for storing and sorting items.

From my understanding grouping is gone in 2.8
I think there’s a script that brings back the idea of groups, maybe this is what you’re looking for?

Groups are gone, you can achieve the above by parenting your objects to empty objects then when you move or rotate the empty, it will affect all the objects parented to it, then they will keep they own rotation.

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It’s kind of a shame that Groups were deprecated. I’m a fan of Adobe software and grouping things in Illustrator and InDesign is how I get through my days.

The parenting-to-Empty workflow makes a lot of sense, though. It fits in with the rest of Blender pretty well. It’s not a bad substitute for me, I guess.

actually that’s not too bad a substitute. It’s a shame you can’t grab 10 objects and make them one group though. But I might check out that add-on too.


Not sure if I understood. Just in case, you also have constraints in blender:

You can associate it with an empty as target to act as a pivot point for example. To easily copy constraints to other objects by selecting as the last (as active) the object that contains the constraint, you can enable “Copy Attributes Menu” to copy it with Ctrl+C.

By the way, if you want you can create an entry with your request here: