And once again I have to feel like I’m doing the right thing in my infinite wisdom, in usually never using any of Blender’s latest-and-greatest™ features which are likely to stay somewhat WIP for the forseeable future (such as the asset browser, library overrides etc.), unless forced to at gunpoint.
greetings, Kologe
P.S.: You really should see the scornful smirk on my face…
Apparently they did get contacted by some lawyers about an idea for a feature and it scared the crap out of them. They cannot afford a legal battle.
I recall a zbrush update not that long ago that immediately convinced me that either Pablo Dobarro went to work at Pixologic or Zbrush saw certain blender sculpting features as a threat and made sure to copy the most important ones. If it was the other way around and a Blender update felt like a direct copy of something else, I would expect the Blender Foundation to have to wast a big chunk of its limited money on a time-money-wasting lawsuit.
They have to do as much smoke and mirrors as possible to give the appearance of every idea being organic and not a direct copy from somewhere else. Every DCC with 10x the budget of Blender would love an excuse to sue them out of existence. The more popular Blender becomes, the stronger that desire grows.
There is a very good reason for the color attribute change. If the people who want more of maya’s under-the-hood everything is a node qualities to eventually come to Blender then a lot of stuff like that has to happen. Similarly anyone who wants 3ds max edit poly modifier to come to Blender probably won’t care if it involves changes that piss off people who are more accustomed to Maya. Then after max inspired changes and maya inspired changes piss off long time classic Blender users, it will once again be their turn to complain.
That’s not what happened. Cloth physics functionality in form of a brush was present way earlier in an addon for Cinema4d as well as possible to build in Houdini.
None of these concepts for physics brushes where original or new when they turned into the modern tools we have now.
Pixologic saw the hype online and implemented it - stuff like this happens all the time without lawsuits - because its trivial and can’t be patented /copyright protected.
This is some fear mongering bullshit.
Look at this:
Looks like Foundry’s Nuke, but it isn’t. Its an open source clone of Nuke.
Now guess how many times the developers of this tool got sued by the Foundry’s army of angry lawyers with the intention of suing them out of existence?
ZERO times.
If they had THEY would have wasted a big chunk of resources on a time-money-wasting lawsuit.
Copyright and patent laws are different in the EU and a lot of the crap that works in the US wont fly over here.
Whenever I’ve found myself thinking there ought to be some relatively simple improvements to user experience that can be made here, so far it mainly involved weight painting and vertex groups.
Might not be “bat-guano-insane” tier (although pretty damn close), but I personally think it should be a very basic feature of the UI to let you drag and drop vertex groups in the order that you want them, yet you still have to click on these up and down arrows which only let you move them one at a time. Which is, needless to say, pretty cumbersome.
Argeably, Blender Foundation can’t be sued for money, since is a public benefit organization, but Blender Institute can. Altough this action is mostly unlikely, since there’s real proof that Blender Devs aren’t actively copying UI elements or Ideas (despite some users who want features to be copied) , there’s always the possibility. AFAIK Autodesk at least tends to give fair warning first before suing. Remember that in US and Europe UI/GUI and Guidelines can be copyrighted. (In Europe in particular, UI/GUI copyrights are protected by the Information Society Directive, and there’s at least one instance the ECJ has ruled in favor of the demanding part).
In Natron case, AFAIK, the foundry is not interested in suing open source projects, since they prefer to focus in suing pirates, and also Nuke NC mostly “nuked” Natron some time ago for those wanting to learn and use Nuke for non-profit usage.
Anyone or anything can be sued for money or anything else - corporations, individuals, NGOs, non-profit groups, governments, religious organizations, etc, have all been successfully sued at various points in legal history
That’s why i put “Argeably”. Suing a “non-profit” or a “Public Benefit Organization” is usually discouraged by the fact the demandant won’t get a higher monetary award, and compared to the cost of suing, it won’t be worth it most of the time. But Blender Institute IS a company, so is more likely to get targeted for anyone wanting to shut down BF operations. YMMV and better consult a local lawyer.
And in case of UI/UX/GUI, since these can be copyrighted, they can be protected (it’s considered art). But the usual suspects only sue when they can win quick and easy. The notable exception is Apple. These guys only rival to Oracle when it comes to the ammount of Lawyers and number of lawsuits.
Tell me one reason which will make sense to: change vertex color too color attributes.
This is purest form of bullshit for sure. If we try to make something and its partially working, the first move which will make sense = finish those thing!
Dumb idea is to = lets change the naming! Lets change all those api, sham’api things which will broke a tons of addons.
And why we need addons? Here’s a rimender: we cant directly work with vertex color in vanilla!
After this i can find a tons of blender boys comments like “Oh! Blender developers make updates so often compared to competitors! Its so great!”.
Blender is an Ouroboros. The head are developers which cant do things in a right way. The tail are blender boys who will be happy about absolutely all crap which will happen with blender no matter what.
Everyone happy.
@SoundDifferent this thread exists for a reason, but that reason is not going around insulting people. You’re welcome to vent a bit about your frustration, but right now you’re being disrespectful with both the developers and the community.
Then maybe the blender foundation is wrong to insist that people not mention any other software in official discussion channels. I would love for that rule to go away.
Absolutely. You have no bleeping idea how much of my life and money I wasted on Maya for like a decade. I’m just an unemployed hobbyist happily paying absolute zero $0 who has some experience working as a programmer on a tiny tiny team making far below average pay so the Blender dev team occupies a special place in my heart There’s a lot of unbelievable decisions in Blender’s history that piss me off, especially the cases where features were practically done and they chose not to incorporate them, and some of the absolutely alien UI decisions, but I can’t really be that mad at them, especially when I try to follow the development activities and see the discussions behind the decisions.
If something you don’t pay for makes you this mad, I can only imagine how much hell you raise in the forums of products that you do pay for.
I’ve noticed that every DCC app everywhere has a decent-sized segment of the userbase that is vocally frustrated by the lack of this basic feature, or the implementation of that feature, or some absolutely idiotic UI design decision that makes no sense, or has some “known issue” that the developers STILL haven’t fixed, blah blah blah, so while it’s true Blender has it’s flaws, all of these sorts of software do - just different flaws.
Lol what are you doing here then ? loosing your time speaking about blender on a blender forum ?
The plan is to get rid of custom / hard coded data tied to mesh. This will bring a lot of benefit down the line to have everything as regular attributes. Of course as user we gain nothing right now, but the long term benefits seems pretty obvious : less bugs, more optimizations, more possibilities.
If ones want to use vertex groups in a shader that should be simple to do. Just like mesh smoothness or more crazy stuff.
Vertex groups is a B&W color attribute, why it should be arbitrary separated from Vertex colors ?
Right now color attribute naming might sound confusing, but having the general concept of attribute, once spread everywhere will probably make much more sense …
Actually - no. Dont get me wrong, im clearly understand what something like “Hey! Its so easy to add why its still doesnt there, cmon!!!” are acually can be some way more complicated thing from code side. Also not all developers are modelers or riggers and so on, so they cant know all about tools, how this tool normally work in other apps.
So all apps have some problems and restrictions and its totally okay, theres no perfect software in the world.
But only blender gives me that amount of headache.
Why im still using it? Obviously - blender have some good points, besides the fact its free and i save some money.
What exactly you want to get rid if vertex colors was always a part of mesh data and always should be a part of mesh data?
Can you provide one (just one) link to bug report where vertex colors was causing any kind of issue (except some troubles on the user side) and make blender crash, become laggy or something?